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2012 Bibbulmun Team Challenge Results

During October and November, 32 participants in 8 teams competed in this unique team-building event.

With special emphasis on outdoor skills, problem solving, environmental awareness, plus mental and physical challenges, the participants walked 15kms a day along the Bibbulmun Track between North Bannister and Dwellingup. Each team raced carts in Dwellingup and built outriggers to race on the Murray River as part of the Challenge.

Led by the Foundation’s Events Manager Steve Sertis, the event involved 14 instructors and volunteers.

Out on the Challenge decision making was very important and making those right decisions was paramount, especially when it came to packing! Some challenges brought out the best in some people, others realised that they needed to draw deep for inner strength. Sheer grit and determination shown by all participants to go for gold, plus an overall sense of humour were impressive— everyone rallied together showing magnificent levels of support and camaraderie.

Golden Lions (AngloGold Ashanti) and Geraldton Grammar School won their heats and after the points were tallied Geraldton Grammar School came out on top to be awarded Challenge Champions for 2012.

Geraldton Grammar School have competed in the Challenge since 2004 and were delighted with their win and made a special trip to Perth to accept their Award.

Each year, a special award The Jim Freeman ‘Spirit of the Bibbulmun’ is given to the team that stands out in the areas of participation, environmental awareness, team spirit and consideration of others and this year was awarded to the DECtators (Department of Environment and Conservation).
The Awards evening was attended by team participants and volunteers and was abuzz with stories and reminiscences from the Challenge. Event Manager, Steve Sertis thanked all the participants for their amazing spirit and effort shown during the Challenge.

It was way out of the comfort zone for some, especially those who had never donned a backpack before and yet managed to complete the four days and all the challenges as well!’ he said, and added ‘You are all an inspiration! I was especially impressed how some team members were particular flexible and indeed patient with other members in the lead up to the challenge. It was a fabulous effort.

The Foundation would like to thank everyone who helped with the event—especially the many volunteers. But also to all the teams that have made this year’s Challenge such a great success! With their support the Foundation raised over $6,000, which will be used for Track maintenance projects in 2013.
A huge thank you to Mountain Designs for providing the venue for the Award night and donating prizes.

We also appreciate support from the following organisations for donation of prizes and equipment for the Awards night.

Australian Red Cross (logo)
Aussie Gold
Jalbrook Cottages (Balingup)
Oakfield House B&B (Balingup)
The Blue House (Denmark)
The Cove (Denmark)
Donnelly River Holiday Village
Crystal Springs Chalet (Walpole)
Rosella (Denmark)
Uhuru Chalets (Torbay)
Sea to Summit