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10 questions to ask when planning your End-to-End Hike

As the Bibbulmun Track specialists we’ve got some experience when it comes to advising hikers on planning their End-to-End Hike. We’ve found some details can often get overlooked.

  1. Are you going to take the eight Bibbulmun Track maps and the eight guidebooks – or just the maps? Tip: don’t carry the ones you don’t need, have them sent ahead.
  2. How are you getting to and from the Northern and Southern Terminus or indeed to some of the other Track towns for a sectional end-to-end? Public transport is not available to all towns. See the Getting There section in the Section by Section guide.
  3. Are you up to date with the current situation for each of the four inlet crossings on the south coast? See the Inlet section in the Section by Section guide for Walpole and Denmark/Albany.
  4. Where will you stay in each of the Track towns?  There are no Bibbulmun Track campsites in the towns. You will need to look into accommodation options. You’ll find a number of accommodation options on our Track town pages.
  5. How much water will you carry each day? You can fill up at each campsite from the rainwater tank but you will need to treat the water.
  6. What kind of tent should you take? (Bonus question: Should you take a tent?)
  7. What is your training plan? At the very least you should plan to walk a few short sections of the Track to establish a walking routine, test your gear and check the appropriateness of your food.
  8. Have you considered safety measures by leaving your itinerary with someone responsible at home? Ensure regular contact, carry a PLB (don’t rely on mobile phones), carry an appropriate first aid kit, be first aid trained, and ensure you fill out the green log book at each campsite. The Police are the first point of contact in an emergency.
  9. How will you pay for your food supplies? EFTPOS facilities and ATMs may not be available in all towns so carry sufficient cash for your trip for supplies, phone calls etc.
  10. What will you do with your rubbish? If you pack it in, then you pack it out. Foil and cans don’t burn and plastic bags release toxins into the atmosphere when burnt – so please don’t do it. Leave No Trace!

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