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Bibbulmun Team Challenge Winners Announced at Awards Night thumbnail

KPMG were crowned as 2014 Bibbulmun Team Challenge Champions at an Awards ceremony earlier this week. A fantastic time was had by all the teams who were able to catch up and reminisce about their experiences on the Track. Score Board: Challenge Champions: KPMG (2355 points) Joint Runners Up: Sierra Grandies & Axis of Ignorance […]

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Need help using our website? thumbnail

Not sure how to log into your profile or perhaps you are not sure how to retrieve information for an event you have booked? Visit our Website help page for assistance with using our website. Info there could solve your problem or answer your query. If that doesn’t help, always feel free to contact us. […]

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Bibbulmun Track named one of world’s best thumbnail

We are delighted that the Bibbulmun Track has been included in National Geographic 20 ‘Holy Grails of trails’. Described as ‘Southwestern Australia’s answer to the Appalachian Trail’, it was the only Australian trail named in the top 20!

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Quiz Night – Huge success! thumbnail

Over two hundred members and their friends pitted their wits at the Foundation’s Christmas in July Quiz Night. The event was a great success with lots of laughter, serious contemplation, fun and games and much wrinkling of brows! The evening saw many winners, and Chris Lee was delighted with his $300 gift voucher from Mountain […]

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Bibbulmun Track Quiz Night – nearly full! thumbnail

Our Christmas in July themed Quiz Night will be held at the Doubleview Bowling Club on Saturday 19th July. Tables of 8 are available and tickets are $15 per person. It’s going to be an evening of fun and festivity. There will be lots of spot prizes, a silent auction with some awesome prize packages […]

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Volunteers recognised by Sport and Recreation thumbnail

A group of our volunteers sat down to a Recognition Breakfast hosted by the Department of Sport and Recreation’s People Development Team, as part of National Volunteer Week. They were among other volunteers who were honoured and recognised for their outstanding contribution to sport and recreation in WA. ABC Grandstand presenter Clint Wheeldon was master […]

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Alcoa takes action on the Bibbulmun Track thumbnail

A group of Alcoa staff members who usually spend their Fridays sitting in an office took up rake hoes and secateurs to realign a short section of the Bibbulmun Track near Dwellingup. Under the supervision of the Department of Parks and Wildlife, the team created a new alignment to avoid an unsafe river crossing where […]

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New Guidebooks have arrived thumbnail

Producing the new Guidebooks has been a mammoth project spanning 15 months involving a 60-day end-to-end walk, 21 revisions of each Guidebook by several people and many, many hours of editing. It has been over 12 years since the Northern Guidebook was published and 10 years since the Southern Guidebook was published so there was […]

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Proposed hunting in WA’s forests thumbnail

There is currently a review underway in the West Australian Parliament of the laws that prohibit hunting on public or Crown land in Western Australia. The Board of the Bibbulmun Track Foundation believes it is something that our membership should be concerned about and to that end we have made a submission to the Upper […]

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Inquiry into recreational hunting in Western Australia thumbnail

The Bibbulmun Track Foundation is not in favour of allowing recreational hunting in WA’s parks and has made a submission outlining its concerns. Key points are walker safety, unauthorised access of Bibbulmun Track facilities by hunters resulting in negative experiences for walkers and serious doubt that such a scheme would make any environmental contribution to […]

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