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Barriers Broken on the Bibbulmun Track thumbnail

In partnership with the Department of Sport and Recreation, the Bibbulmun Track Foundation progressed the CaLD (Culturally and Linguistically Diverse) Community Trails Program.     The program, which was initiated in 2011, aims to: Motivate and empower people in these communities to initiate their own walks with friends and family by giving them the necessary […]

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Friendship Trail ceremony for the Bruce Trail thumbnail

Around 20 people joined Foundation ED, Linda Daniels on the 1st November to celebrate the Bibbulmun Track’s first international Friendship Trail. After a short ceremony and unveiling of the sign by BTF Board Member and Alcoa representative, Charlie Soord, a dozen of the group enjoyed an 8km return walk from Karri Gully to Gregory Brook […]

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Join us on the Camino and trekking the Pyrenees in 2016 thumbnail

June 8 to 26, 2016 We only have two places left for the Camino only. One place is for one female twin share with another female participant. The other is for a male to twin share with another male participant. The Pyrenees trek is full – sorry! Download the itinerary for prices and more information. […]

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Blackwood Section Re-opens thumbnail

  Tents sites being constructed at Blackwood Campsite   The section south of Balingup incorporating the Blackwood Campsite has been reopened and the diversion to Wright’s Bridge has been removed. While the campsite is now open, it will take many years to recover from the loss of the pines which gave walkers protection from the […]

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Another campsite lost – Gardner Campsite thumbnail

Initial reports from aerial observations indicated that Gardner Campsite was still standing. However on-the-ground assessments have revealed that it has been damaged beyond repair.   Gardner Campsite – another nice spot to spend a night.   Both Gardner and Dog Pool Campsites were located well within the fire zone. We are yet to hear about […]

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Historic Long Gully Bridge lost to fire thumbnail

The Lower Hotham fire has claimed an historic victim by burning an important crossing on the Bibbulmun Track – the historic Long Gully Bridge. Considered an outstanding example of an early rail trestle bridge, the 128 metre long bridge was a great example of the technical design skill of the Western Australian Government Railways. The […]

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Possum Springs Campsite Destroyed thumbnail

The Lower Hotham fire has also claimed Possum Springs Campsite just south of the Long Gully Bridge and Harvey-Quindanning Rd. We believe that we have lost up to four campsites over the length of the Track.   Lower Hotham Fire destroys Possum Springs Campsite   We ask that everyone remains away from the closed sections […]

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Shop online and support the BTF thumbnail

Planning on doing some online shopping? Perhaps a Christmas present, a birthday or a holiday? You can do your online shopping and support us at no cost to you. How cool is that? Simply join to support us at Shopnate. Whether you are buying presents, clothes, books, hotel rooms, whatever it may be, you can […]

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Parks and Wildlife Service Closure Protocols for Parks and Recreation Sites thumbnail

Following the catastrophic Black Saturday bushfires in Victoria, and more recent fires in Western Australia such as Parkerville in 2014, community expectations for response and management of fire risk have changed. During periods of higher fire risk throughout the bushfire season, the Parks and Wildlife Service will provide information regarding park closures and bushfire risk, […]

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A multicultural experience on the Track thumbnail

In early 2014, the Bibbulmun Track Foundation became involved in a project to introduce members of the culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) community to outdoor walking. The multifaceted project including up-skilling a number of the Edmund Rice Centre and Communicare youth leaders in basic walk leader training and providing an informal educational opportunity for Bibbulmun […]

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