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Bibbulmun Track Adventure Raffle 2025! thumbnail

The 2025 Bibbulmun Track Adventure Raffle will open April 1st, 2025, and this year’s grand prize is one you won’t want to miss! You can purchase tickets for just $5 through Rafflelink and enter for the chance to win an incredible adventure to Vietnam, along with other amazing prizes from our generous sponsors.

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Coastal campsites get some TLC! thumbnail

Our Track maintenance Field Days have just kicked off for the year, with working bees at West Cape Howe and Boat Harbour campsites on the weekend.

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Track impacted by several bushfires thumbnail

There are a number of fires which have impacted sections of the Bibbulmun Track.

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Support Volunteers to collect surplus bridges thumbnail

SV’s visited Wellington District this week to inspect three 6m kit-bridges, no longer on the current Bibbulmun Track alignment. The plan is for volunteers to dismantle the bridges so they can be reused along the current alignment where old timber bridges are failing.

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Bushfires, campfire bans, walking in the heat during Birak and Bunuru thumbnail

Walkers should seriously reconsider plans to embark on overnight walks on the Track during Birak and Bunuru (our summer months).
Bushfires may impact the Track between December and March. Campfire bans will be in place at all campsites on the Bibbulmun Track at least until the end of March and possibly longer.

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More Than just an End-to-End! thumbnail

The vodcast, “Blood, Sweat & Needles!”, and Justin Karcher’s upcoming 1000km Bibbulmun Track End-to-End will  raise awareness and funds to primarily go towards research for a cure for T1D. 10% of the money we raise will be given back to The Bibbulmun Track Foundation to maintain and preserve the track!

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Members Night Recap: Bibbulmun Bowling thumbnail

What a fantastic evening we had at our Bibbulmun Bowling Members Night last Friday at the Inglewood Bowling Club! 

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BTF Volunteer Thankyou Days thumbnail

In celebration of International Volunteer Day on December 5th, the Bibbulmun Track Foundation would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to our incredible network of volunteers, both near and far, who consistently go above and beyond to support our work.

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Going Places with Ernie Dingo featuring BTF guide Steve Sertis thumbnail

In the latest episode of Going Places with Ernie Dingo, airing on SBS On Demand for Season 6, Episode 5, Ernie explores one of the country’s most cherished natural landscapes: the Bibbulmun Track. This episode is the final segment of three, which takes viewers on a spectacular journey through the South West of Western Australia.

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Outdoors October Virtual Hike Challenge Prize Draw thumbnail

This October, 356 participants took part in the Outdoors October Virtual Hike Challenge, logging an impressive 63,000+ kilometers—over 1.5 times the Earth’s circumference!

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