Will Oram (William Oram)
Completed: 8 May, 2021
- Start date: 23 March, 2021
- Age When Completed: 44
- Direction Walked: Southbound
Track Towns and Supplies
- Did you have any issues finding food/supplies? Yes
- only took 5 days' food from northern terminus. Mistake. 13 days stretch with no re-supply shops. Made it with some generosity from others and ...well.. what else could I do but continue forward? ;)
Your Story or Advice for Others
General Commentsloved it loved it loved it!
Your Best Equipment
Home carved walking poles (octopus and turtle engravings). zero problems and now engraved with dates and mounted on home made stand with other walking sticks I made after my walk. Very satisfying! terra nova tent (2007 - 900 grm) Exos 58 backpack - so comfortable and light... not that I can compare it to anything) La Sportiva walking boots - brand new when started. zero blisters or rubbing of any kind
Your Worst Equipment
tropical (non down) sleeping bag - I had to seep in all my clothes and use silk liver all the way
Advice for Others
prepare slightly more than me - food and kit wise take rain cover and dry bags for rucksack don't worry about training - you'll get fit as you walk
Trip Details
How you completed the Bibbulmun Track:- All at once
- Who did you complete the Track with? Solo (primarily)
- Was undertaking your hike the PRIMARY/MAIN purpose of your TRAVEL from where you currently live? No
Your Experience
All northern section was awesome - I love woods and forests !! It is the reason I fancied a walk in the first place.
Highlight of your trip
friendly interesting people met together with awesome solitude found.