Ann Marie Larkin (Ann Marie Larkin)
Completed: 11 July, 2020
- Start date: 2 June, 2020
- Age When Completed: 42
- Direction Walked: Southbound
Track Towns and Supplies
- Did you have any issues finding food/supplies? Yes
- I posted all my resupplies to the towns. I would highly recommend this . I bulked bought, which reduced cost and allowed me more time to relax in the towns and recoup.
Your Story or Advice for Others
General CommentsThank you everyone, that made and continue to make the Bibbilmun track so enjoyable.
Your Best Equipment
My cheap rain poncho. So easy to put on and take off, without removing my pack. Light and pack-able.
Your Worst Equipment
My pack weight was 11.7kg. This allowed for no bad choice in equipment. My tent that I carried for the 40 days, was only used twice. Only carried it for safety.
Advice for Others
The hardest part is crossing the start line. Once you start, it's over.
Trip Details
How you completed the Bibbulmun Track:- All at once
- Who did you complete the Track with? Other - None
- Was undertaking your hike the PRIMARY/MAIN purpose of your TRAVEL from where you currently live? No
- What first prompted you to walk the Bibbulmun Track? Other
Your Experience
The river section on the way into Ballingup is quite picturesque. The route out of Ballingup to Blackwood campsite. The views above the clouds are just specular.
Highlight of your trip
Meeting some amazing people along the way. Henry whos youthfulness and over flowing backpack gave me some laughs. Bob the mad hutter, Henry the camp fire starter. Cam and Mag who's barefeet and sandles, put me in awe. Magpie and Meerkat who's resilience would put any of us to shame.