Adam Larbalestier (Adam Larbalesteir)
Completed: 10 June, 2021
- Start date: 10 April, 2021
- Age When Completed: 28
- Direction Walked: Southbound
Track Towns and Supplies
- Did you have any issues finding food/supplies? Yes
- Excellent food options in the track towns. If I do this again, I will take less freeze-dried food and buy more supplies in town.
Your Story or Advice for Others
General CommentsA great item ticked off the bucket list! What a wonderful opportunity for adventure the Bibbulmun Track is. Huge thank you to the BTF and all the volunteers who work to maintain the excellent infrastructure that makes the hike such a pleasure.
Your Best Equipment
An extra-warm sleeping bag!
Your Worst Equipment
Inefficient stove/pot combination - slow to heat and wasteful of gas
Advice for Others
Do it. Don't overthink it. Walk your own walk and have fun.
Trip Details
How you completed the Bibbulmun Track:- All at once
- Who did you complete the Track with? Solo (primarily)
- Was undertaking your hike the PRIMARY/MAIN purpose of your TRAVEL from where you currently live? No
Your Experience
A tie between the Karri forest between Donnelly River and Pemberton, and the South Coast section between Walpole and Denmark
Highlight of your trip
The canoe crossing of the Irwin inlet for sure, and the first glimpse of the ocean on the walk into Long Point