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New Track maintenance collaboration

We’re excited to welcome members of Ultra Series WA as our newest Track maintenance team. The trail running organisation will coordinate a group to regularly check and tend the Track between Nut Road lookout and the Conspicuous Beach carpark, just west of Peaceful Bay.

Volunteer Manager Helen Grimm with Melanee Maisey and Shaun Kaesler from Ultra Series WA
Volunteer Manager Helen Grimm with Melanee Maisey and Shaun Kaesler from Ultra Series WA

Shaun Kaesler, Event Organiser for Ultra Series WA is enthusiastic about the opportunity to ‘give back’ to the Track.

If we are given the trust and ability to show off this beautiful track to adventure lovers from all over the world with the events we host, why wouldn’t we jump at the opportunity to give back. This trail survives by a myriad of volunteers, and the time is now for our running community to become some of those volunteers too. What a wonderful opportunity to have been offered and we look forward to giving back for many, many years to come.