We have recently updated our website.

If you spot something that is out of place or you experience problems please use our contact form to let us know.

Help us by Joining, Volunteering or Donate

May Member Madness

If you’ve been thinking of becoming a member of the Bibbulmun Track Foundation, then this is truly the best time! Join up before 31st May and you’ll be in the running to win a Bibbulmun Track merchandise pack valued at $150.



As a valued member, you’ll receive discounts on Bibbulmun Track merchandise including maps and the new guidebooks; discounts on our guided events and special promotions from our sponsors Sea to Summit and many of our walker friendly accommodation and service providers along the Track.

Plus, if you’re planning a walk in the future, take advantage of our members only Trip Planning Advice sessions (one-on-one in depth sessions either in person or via email with one of our experienced end-to-ender volunteers).



With the addition of three colourful and informative Bibbulmun News magazines during the year, and the knowledge that you are helping to maintain this amazing Track, what more could you wish for?!

Individual, family and senior memberships available – Sign up now and join our Bibbulmun family.

P.S. You’re also eligible to come along to our members & friends Tales from Other Trails night at Rosie O’Gradys, Northbridge on 27th June – $10 per person. Fun and interesting with lots of prizes, finger supper and sweets.