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Lotterywest Grant for Bibbulmun Track Website upgrades

The not-for-profit Bibbulmun Track Foundation has received a grant from Lotterywest for $81,400 for a project to upgrade and improve online resources.

Minister for Emergency Services; Racing and Gaming; Small Business; Volunteering Hon. Reece Raymond Whitby, MLA along with the Minister for Finance; Lands; Sport and Recreation; Citizenship and Multicultural Interests the Hon. Dr Tony Buti, MLA presented the grant to the Bibbulmun Track Foundation’s Chair Kath Brodrick today. The Marketing and Tourism Manager Ashley Gibson and volunteers Issy and James were excited to be able to move forward on this project.

The funding will contribute to the development of a new website to improve information about the Bibbulmun Track for volunteers and the wider community.

The new website will also include a portal with better functionality for the Bibbulmun Track Foundation’s volunteers – who number in excess of 500 – to support reporting on conditions along the Track and build cohesion.

The Bibbulmun Track Foundation is an incorporated, not-for-profit organisation established to provide support for the management, maintenance and marketing of the Bibbulmun Track.

The Foundation is recognised as the primary focal point for community-based support and involvement for the Track, promoting the Track to potential walkers and maintaining the Track through a volunteer maintenance program.

The Hon. Reece Raymond Whitby stated, “The Foundation’s new website will vastly improve available valuable resources including education, safety information and trip planning, and further encourage participation and connection with the natural environment.”

Minister Buti, who is planning to hike the Track himself next year, agreed that “education and preparation is key to a safe hike so this website will be an extremely valuable resource to bushwalkers who want to attempt one of the world’s best tracks.”

‘The Bibbulmun Track is an icon of Western Australia and like many trails throughout our State, it’s growing in popularity” he said.

‘WA is currently enjoying a huge resurgence in bushwalking, with participation increasing by more than 45 per cent in the four years to June 2020.’

The Foundation thanks Lotterywest for supporting this important project which we aim to launch in 2022.

The Lotterywest grant for $81,400 was presented to the BTF at Parliament House.  L to R: BTF volunteers, James Young and Isabelle Busch, BTF Chair Kathleen Broderick, Minister for Sport & Recreation Tony Buti, BTF Marketing Manager Ash Gibson and Minister
The Lotterywest grant for $81,400 was presented to the BTF at Parliament House. L to R: BTF volunteers, James Young and Isabelle Busch, BTF Chair Kathleen Broderick, Minister for Sport & Recreation Tony Buti, BTF Marketing Manager Ash Gibson and Minister