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Loading Up For Lake William Steps Campaign

A group of Support Volunteers (Sue and Charlie Soord, Mark Davidson, and Ross Simpson) joined Andrew Chiswell, our Maintenance Manager, in Albany during February, to prepare the helicopter loads for the Lake William NRM campaigns later this year. Thanks to Mike and Joy for making Blue Poles Little Grove available as a base for the team during the week. Thanks also to Support Volunteers Ian Rae and Wes Fokkema, who joined us during the week to assist our efforts.


Ross double checking load quantities
Ross double checking load quantities


Day 1 – The team descended on Albany’s Torndirrup yard to prepare helicopter loads comprising of sleepers and star pickets, fixings, track-pads, coir matting and pins, and tools. These loads will be distributed in 5 locations along the Track west of Lake William Road ready for two campaigns later in the year. Andrew performed the lion’s share of the work by cutting 80+ three meter sleepers in half, but the team must also be praised for then carrying the 1.5m lengths over to the bagging area!


Charlie enjoying his job
Charlie enjoying his job


Day 2 – While today we planned to head out to West Cape Howe to mark both the staging and stockpile locations, a Harvest and Vehicle Movement Ban resulted in a rapid rethink. The team headed to Denmark to inspect the new trail constructed through the Nullaki Peninsular in May 2023. It was pleasing to see the trail was clearly visible and the box step sections (that Charlie and Andrew constructed) were holding up well. The sandbar across the inlet was also almost closed and passable, which will be good news for walkers as we head towards the cooler months.

We also took the opportunity to inspect the Cosy Corner Steps, the site originally planned for an Albany Field Day in March. It was agreed by those present the scope proposed was beyond the scale of a field day and an alternative site was required as a priority.


Bagging equipment for Stockpile 5
Bagging equipment for Stockpile 5


Day 3 – An early start in much cooler weather, a relief from the 43C experienced the day before! The day started with a hurdle – the key we picked up from the District didn’t open the gate on Lake William Rd! However, after a short delay, the District gave us a workaround that got us onto Lake William Rd.

The day comprised walking along the section targeted for the May and June campaigns and placing survey stakes at the start of each area of work which corresponded with the construction notes Ross had prepared. These would then assist volunteers working on the campaigns. We also visually marked the Stockpile Locations which will receive the helicopter deliveries of materials and equipment, which we bagged on Monday.


Typical section of track requiring work
Typical section of track requiring work


Day 4 – The team headed out early to the section of the BT between the Water Corporation yard on Bay View Terrace and Sandpatch Campsite, to re-lay a series of steps and water bars which were poorly laid.

Working in two teams, the majority of steps were dug up and relaid, approximately 50 logs in total, which will drastically improve their effectiveness and make walking the section much easier. The remaining sections of water bars needing remediation along the South Coast will be targeted in future campaigns.


Sue enjoying the walk in light drizzle
Sue enjoying the walk in light drizzle


Day 5 – the team left in separate directions…some returning to Perth, while Charlie and Sue headed to Walpole to complete a maintenance visit on their section. We are lucky to have such dedicated individuals, who not only commit to maintaining small sections of the Track like our other Sectional Volunteers but devote many weeks each year to remedial maintenance along the Track.


A brief stop to enjoy morning tea
A brief stop to enjoy morning tea



A beautiful summer’s day in West Cape Howe NP
A beautiful summer’s day in West Cape Howe NP




This project is supported by funding from the Western Australian Government’s State NRM Program.