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Liftoff for Lake William Steps Replacement Project

May saw the completion of helicopter operations transporting equipment and materials for the Lake William Steps Replacement Project into the West Cape Howe National Park, supported by funding from the Western Australian Government’s State NRM Program.

The materials are to be used by volunteers from the Bibbulmun Track Foundation during weeklong campaigns, replacing or repairing up to 200 steps and installing trackpads to repair heavily eroded sections of the Bibbulmun Track. 

Overseeing the lift operations for the Foundation was staff from the Albany District Office for the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, who has worked closely with the Foundation and its volunteers to achieve this milestone.

Linda Daniels, Executive Director of the Foundation notes “Maintaining the Bibbulmun Track in remote locations presents many challenges and the Foundation is grateful for funding received from the WA Government’s State NRM Program enabling us to airlift the materials and equipment to the site.  It will see great improvements to walker experience while reducing ongoing impacts to coastal vegetation.”

May also saw the first volunteer campaign complete, with 11 volunteers attending over 5 days to replace or reinstate about 155 steps and lay around 50 meters of trackpad. The volunteers will be returning in June to complete the project, with the assistance of a team from the Binalup Rangers.

Helicopter preparing to commence lift operations

Helicopter preparing to commence lift operations

Lift operations underway

Lift operations underway

Volunteers laying trackpad

Volunteers laying trackpad

Volunteers enjoying lunch after a busy morning

Volunteers enjoying lunch after a busy morning

Supported by funding from the Western Australian Government’s State NRM Program

Supported by funding from the Western Australian Government’s State NRM Program