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Jennifer’s Decisive Action Keeps Bibbulmun Track Safe


View from Waalegh Campsite. Photo: The Life of Py
View from Waalegh Campsite. Photo: The Life of Py


In the heart of our beloved Bibbulmun Track, a situation unfolded at Waalegh Campsite that might have gone unnoticed, if not for the vigilance and swift action of Jennifer, one of our dedicated Maintenance Volunteers and a committed member of the Bibbulmun Track community.

Jennifer encountered a rather unpleasant surprise while inspecting the water tank: a downpipe teeming with maggots, indicating the presence of a decomposing animal. The discovery itself was enough to unsettle even the hardiest of souls, but Jennifer’s response was both prompt and decisive.

Her first step was to try and flush the downpipe, a crucial move to determine if any part of the deceased animal remained inside. Discovering that the filter and downpipe were infested with maggots, Jennifer took on the stomach-churning task of cleaning them out. She managed to dispose of the decomposed bits of maggoty body parts and left messages in both the Red and Green books, advising all to treat the water. Despite the improvement in smell, Jennifer was worried that the water quality might be compromised and immediately reported the gruesome discovery.

This immediate action was not only necessary for hygiene and health but also vital for the safety of countless hikers who depend on these water resources. Jennifer’s efforts ensured that the necessary steps were taken to mitigate a potential health hazard.

Her report ended with a touch of humour about her ‘stinky day’ at Waalegh, yet it was her dedication and prompt action that truly stood out. It is these efforts, often unseen and unsung, that keep the trail safe and enjoyable for everyone.

Jennifer, your day at Waalegh, battling maggots in the sweltering heat, is a testament to your commitment to the Bibbulmun Track community. We thank you for your quick thinking and diligent work in keeping our beloved Track a safe place for all.

The Department swiftly addressed the situation, flushing out the pipes and checking the water quality –  ensuring continued safety and hygiene on the Track.