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Jeju Olle Friendship trail

Board member and volunteer Charlie Soord and his wife Sue who is also a volunteer, completed route 19 (19.1km) on the Jeju Olle walking trail which is twinned to Map 8 Denmark to Albany section on the Bibbulmun Track.

The Jeju Olle walking trail is located on the beautiful island of Jeju, South Korea. Jeju Island is located 130 kilometres south of the Korean Peninsula. The Trail spans over 400 kilometres of beautifully maintained and managed walking trails.

Charlie and Sue completed the route on 30 April 2018, with the assistance from Jim (Jeju volunteer) and his wife. It was a great opportunity to discussion their maintenance program and how they manage their volunteers. The walk was very interesting passing through various landscapes along the way including, seaside towns and their Forrest.

The trail markers are very different to ours and the main trail markers are ribbons. The Ganse pony is the symbol of the trail and the Jeju Olle Foundation, and represents the small ponies that used to roam the island.

Read more about Jeju Olle Trail in Trailing Around the World.