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Investment in Bibbulmun Track upgrades

Impression of the new Southern Terminus
Impression of the new Southern Terminus

The Bibbulmun Track Foundation (BTF) is very pleased that the $150 million investment package to support WA’s tourism sector includes money for trail development and upgrades – including $1 million for the Bibbulmun Track.

These works are to ensure the Track can meet increasing demand and continue to provide a quality hiking experience for the next 20 years.

The BTF has worked with DBCA to develop a program to upgrade up to ten campsites including the extension of shelters and installation of additional tent sites to increase capacity.

A new satellite campsite to cater for groups will be built close to Monadnocks Campsite in the Darling Range and additional water tanks will be installed along the length of the Track.

An additional $100K has been allocated to relocate the southern terminus of both the Bibbulmun and Munda Biddi Trails next to the Albany visitor centre in the main street. This will greatly improve the experience for end-to-enders in particular – and increase visibility of the trails within the town. The plans and artists impression can be viewed here.

The stimulus funding will create short-term jobs in construction and support longer-term jobs in tourism. Track walkers account for over $13 million in annual direct expenditure. Much of that is in regional towns that are “off the beaten track” such as Collie, Balingup, Northcliffe and Walpole.

Additionally, there are numerous small businesses that offer packaged guided walks, tours and events on the Track. You can find a list of them here.