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Introduction to Guiding Workshop – Bushwalking

The Bibbulmun Track Foundation is pleased to be offering an introductory workshop for aspiring leaders who have no prior experience or training in leading bushwalks.

This 1½ day workshop provides a mix of theory and practical sessions and participants will receive an understanding of practices and procedures to become a bushwalking guide, as well as a good insight into operating as a group leader within the Australian Adventure Activity Standards (AAAS) framework.

Thanks to the support of the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC) the workshop is free.

Participants will receive:

Reference material including checklists and cue cards

1.5-day contact time with theory and practical components including:

  • Preparation and planning for walks
  • Risk management plans
  • Emergency planning and response protocols
  • Equipment for day and overnight walks
  • Appropriate food for multi-day treks
  • Group ratios, health and safety
  • Judging the fitness and ability of groups appropriate to the walk
  • Group leadership skills and communication
  • Conflict resolution
  • Leave No Trace and minimal impact
  • Record keeping
  • Working within the guidelines of the AAAS and GPGs

Tips and insights from over 20 years of training volunteer guides

The training requires some pre-reading to maximise the time available during the workshop for conducting practical exercises.

This workshop is for people who have had no training or experience leading bushwalking groups before. Please note that this is a basic introductory and unaccredited workshop.

Workshop dates:

  • Albany – Sat 9 & Sun 10 March
  • Dwellingup – Sat 16th & Sun 17th March
  • Mundaring – Sat 13th & Sun 14th April
  • Wongan Hills – Mon 10th & Tues 11th June
  • Carnarvon – Thurs 27th & Fri 28th June

To register your interest please complete this EOI.

This training is supported through a Hiking Participation Grant from the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC).