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Hitting the Track these holidays?

Before starting out for a walk these holidays, there are a few things you should know.

  1. Are there going to be any groups at the campsites that you plan to stay at?
  2. Is there a diversion, closure, or another issue impacting the Track where you intend on walking?
  3. How will any prescribed burns affect you?
  4. Is there an inlet crossing which needs to be negotiated?

To check on these points and other Track conditions, head to the Section By Section Guide (under Trip Planner) and select the section you are planning to visit. Then check the Groups on Track, Realignments/Diversions and Inlets (where applicable) tabs.


  • you should be prepared for shelters at campsites being full when you arrive. Always carry a tent or you could be sleeping out in the wet. Groups of eight or more cannot occupy a shelter before 6pm and must carry tents.
  • you should only access the Track where a car is marked on the official maps, on the maps in the Section By Section Guide or by checking the list at the Track Conditions page. You may be prosecuted if your vehicle is found in Disease Risk Areas – read your map carefully.
  • the Bibbulmun Track is a walking track. No wheeled vehicles such as including trolleys, wheelbarrows and bikes should be on the Track or at any campsite. Please help to preserve the Track and the environment by keeping to ‘boots only’.
  • we are here to help you get on Track safely. Please read our FAQs, read information in the relevant Section By Section Guide and contact us if you have any questions.