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Memorial Donations

Honour a loved one with a memorial gift

Giving a memorial gift in tribute to a family member or friend who has passed away is a very special way of honouring their memory and their love of the Bibbulmun Track.

There are a number of ways you can support the Bibbulmun Track in memory, including direct donations, donations in lieu of flowers at a funeral, and ongoing contributions to mark a birthday or other event in your loved one’s life.

When you make a memorial gift, and if you are able to provide us with the relevant details, the Foundation will send an acknowledgement of your kind donation to the deceased’s Next of Kin.

We are very happy to include a personal message of support for you, but please note we will keep your donation amount private.

If they wish, the deceased’s immediate family may include a brief biography or other explanatory text. This will be added to the In Memoriam page. Please contact us to pursue this option.