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Make A Donation

Donate to the Bibbulmun Track Appeal

Early morning mist. 
Early morning mist.

The Bibbulmun Track Foundation in conjunction with the National Trust of Australia (WA), has established a trust account to support conservation projects on the Bibbulmun Track.

Your donation will help us to continue to maintain, and improve, the Track and facilities, and conserve the environment through which it passes, to ensure that this wonderful resource is available for future generations to enjoy.

The funds are used to:

  • Use erosion control techniques to stablise the Track where required.
  • Install or repair bridges, boardwalks and steps to prevent erosion.
  • Upgrade the shelters, dunnies and replace water tanks.
  • Install gates and barriers to prevent unlawful vehicle access.

Most of the work is carried out by volunteers and community groups under the direction of the Department of Parks and Wildlife.

Leave a Bequest

Please consider leaving a Bequest to the Bibbulmun Track Foundation in your will. Click here for further information.

How to donate

All donations are tax deductible and go into the Bibbulmun Track Preservation Appeal account at the National Trust. No fee is charged – 100% of your donation will go to the Track.

There are many ways to donate – select your donation method below.

Donate Online

Donate to the Foundation online via the National Trust. All donations of $2 or more are tax deductible using this method. Click here to donate.
Please note that these links are for donations only. Please do not pay for any products or services here.

Donate by Phone

Call us and have your credit card details on hand to donate over the phone.

Donate by Mail

Post a cheque or money order to us.

See our contact details.

All donations, large and small, are gratefully received and all help to preserve our beautiful Bibbulmun Track.