We have recently updated our website.

If you spot something that is out of place or you experience problems please use our contact form to let us know.

Help us by Joining, Volunteering or Donate

Ways To Give

Walking on the Bibbulmun Track is free and we would like to keep it that way. The Bibbulmun Track Foundation in conjunction with the National Trust of Australia (WA), has established a trust account to support conservation projects on the Bibbulmun Track.

Your donation will help us to continue to maintain, and improve, the Track and facilities, and conserve the environment through which it passes, to ensure that this wonderful resource is available for future generations to enjoy.

Funds are used to:

  • Install or repair bridges, boardwalks and steps to prevent erosion.
  • Install water bars and stabilise the Track where required.
  • Install gates and barriers to prevent unlawful vehicle access.
  • Upgrade the shelters and replace water tanks.

Much of the work is carried out by volunteers and community groups under the direction of Parks and Wildlife Service.

All donations go into the Bibbulmun Track Appeal account at the National Trust. No fee is charged – 100% of your donation will go to the Track.

All donations, large and small, are gratefully received and all help to preserve our beautiful Bibbulmun Track.