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Volunteering FAQs

This page contains answers to some common questions.

If you haven’t already, please refer to our booklet Volunteer With Us! (pdf 1.4MB) for more details including the typical location, time commitment and responsibilities of each role.

How long will I have to commit for?

It’s your choice! Your commitment to a particular volunteer position depends entirely upon your circumstances, interests and the length of time you are available. There are no set time requirements (except for guiding), but if you nominate yourself for a particular role, we expect that you participate and complete the task.

You are also able to choose when you would like to ‘retire’ from your volunteering role.

Can I volunteer with my family or friends?

It’s your choice whether you volunteer as an individual or as part of a group. There are volunteering opportunities to suit both situations. You can volunteer for some activities as an individual, and for others as part of a group. All regular members of any group must be registered.  In some instances, a “one-off” record can be used to cover volunteers for a single day of volunteering at a time. For example, where a Track maintenance volunteer is accompanied on a single visit by a family member or friend; or a walking club or school team where the group members vary on each maintenance visit.

I work full time. Can I still volunteer?

Yes! We have many volunteer opportunities that do not require you to be available during normal office hours. For example, most guided events are on the weekend; Track maintenance and data entry may usually be carried out in your own time; and much of the promotional work is also outside normal working hours.

Can I go on holidays or take leave when I want to?

Of course! With plenty of notice, we can arrange for someone to cover for you while you are away.

What age restrictions apply to volunteers?

There are no age limits to volunteering, however u16s must be supervised by parents or guardians, and all volunteers must be physically capable of carrying out their role.

Do I need any experience or qualifications?

We love anyone with a willingness to learn and loads of enthusiasm. Some bushwalking experience and knowledge of the Track is beneficial for most roles. Some roles require specific experience, skills or qualifications, but your participation is entirely your choice. See the section in our information booklet (above) on pre-requisites for each volunteer role.

Do I need a Police Clearance or Working With Children Check?

Not usually. The requirement for a clearance or check depends on the volunteer role (e.g. those that work as event Guides, with children). You will be informed if you need a successful clearance or check to undertake that role. Police clearances and Working With Children checks will protect you as well as participants’ safety.

Will volunteering cost me anything?

There is no cost to register as a volunteer with us.

There may be some out-of-pocket expenses, depending upon the volunteer role you decide to undertake. It is, unfortunately, difficult for the Foundation to reimburse volunteers for all expenses incurred, being a not-for-profit organisation with limited sources of revenue. All available funds are carefully distributed between our core work areas. The complete contribution made by our volunteers is therefore greatly appreciated.

It is a good idea to enquire about expenses you may incur before committing to any volunteer role. Examples include fuel costs to travel to and from maintenance visits or events; or accommodation costs if your maintenance section is some distance from home.

Do I have to be a Foundation member?

Volunteers do not have to be members of the Bibbulmun Track Foundation.  However, we encourage you to join the organisation, because membership:

  • Can promote a feeling of belonging.
  • Can enhance the pride and satisfaction you feel in making a personal contribution.
  • Ensures that you are kept informed of all relevant matters regarding the Track and the Foundation.
  • Helps to provide much needed funds to run the maintenance program, provide walker services and market the Track far and wide.

Other benefits of membership include:

  • Three editions of Bibbulmun News annually.
  • Free trip planning advice.
  • Discounts on BTF merchandise, hire gear, events and on-Track services.

Through the financial support of members and sponsors, we can ensure that 100% of all funds received from donations and fundraising are used on Track improvements and maintenance, not administration. A strong supporter base also assists the Foundation when seeking grants and funding to assist with the upkeep of the Track.