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Industry Information

The Bibbulmun Track Foundation is committed to ensuring high standards of excellence, which has resulted in numerous awards and letters of praise. The organisation is ‘not-for profit’ and all proceeds support the ongoing maintenance and promotion of the Track.

The Foundation is:

  • accredited by the Australian Tourism Accreditation Program
  • licensed with the Parks and Wildlife Service
  • a member of The Forum Advocating Cultural and Eco Tourism (FACET) and the Australian Eco-Tourism Association, and
  • has a public liability insurance of $20 million.

Tourism newsletter

Service operators on our services database also receive a copy of the Bibbulmun Tourism Telegraph. Produced every three months, this newsletter outlines Bibbulmun Track-related tourism news and gives you the opportunity to promote your own activities within the industry.

Walker Friendly Business Program

Becoming a Walker Friendly Business is a great way to promote your business directly to the thousands of Bibbulmun Track Walkers who visit the south west each year.  You will also be helping maintain and protect the Track. Special benefits apply.  For more information and to join.

Bibbulmun Walking Breaks

Our Bibbulmun Walking Break self-guided itineraries range from two to six days, and combine suggested day-walks with interesting sights and attractions to visit, in and around the Track Towns.

Visitors can select one itinerary or join several together to create their own customised Bibbulmun Track holiday adventure. Each itinerary links to our Walker Friendly Business listings for accommodation and other services.

How our events benefit Perth & south-west businesses

Our award winning Events Calendar encourages people of all ages to experience the Track through a wide range of events. These include ‘Ramble and Paddle’, a walking and canoeing weekend in Dwellingup, and the ‘Balingup Explorer’, an introduction to do-it-yourself overnight bushwalking in the beautiful yet challenging Blackwood area. These events, as well as our group activities, use a number of local businesses for meals and refreshments, adventure activities, accommodation and transport.

Tourism packages

The Foundation also tailor-makes packages for walking groups and conducts an 8-day ‘Highlights of the Bibbulmun Track’ itinerary and a ‘Bibbulmun & Beyond’ itinerary which incorporate many accommodation providers, restaurants and attractions in the towns along the Track.


A wide range of merchandise including special day packs, water bottles, clothing, maps and guidebooks are available, retail or wholesale, from the Bibbulmun Track Foundation. These can be purchased as individual items or as part of a tailor-made package.

Affiliated organisations

Non-tourism organisations, schools or clubs who wish to be associated with the Foundation to support the Track receive the following benefits:

  • The same as for all other membership categories, plus:
  • A certificate valid for one year acknowledging your membership.
  • The use of our special affiliated member logo, supplied electronically upon request (conditions apply).

Affiliated Organisation Membership is only $125 per annum.  You can join here.