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Walker Friendly Business Program

The aim of our Walker Friendly Business Program is to connect walkers with businesses along the Track which provide facilities for walkers to make their stay enjoyable and aid them on their journey.

The Walker Friendly Business Program has been developed to:

  • Specifically promote accommodation and service providers which cater for walkers.
  • Easily identify your businesses as walker friendly.
  • Establish some basic criteria that meet the needs of walkers.
  • Complement the cycle friendly business program developed by the Munda Biddi Trail Foundation.

By becoming a Walker Friendly Business, you agree to offer a range of walker friendly services at your business.  In return, your business will be promoted through the Bibbulmun Track Foundation’s marketing and promotional initiatives. You are also helping to maintain and protect the Track.

Benefits to your business:

Along with the usual membership benefits, you will receive:


  • One free 1/6 page advertisement in Bibbulmun News (for new members only).
  • One free 1/2 banner advertisement per year in one Bibb Bytes E-newsletter (released monthly).
  • A listing in the Walker Friendly Business Directory in each issue of the Bibbulmun News (circulation 3500 three times per annum).
  • Prominent display of your brochure in the entry foyer to our office.
  • Facebook ‘like’ of your page + tag Bibbulmun Track Foundation in your social channels for relevant
  • Up to 3 Facebook/Instagram posts a year on Bibbulmun Track Foundation Page
  • An article in Bibb Bytes EDM where relevant
  • For more information on advertising, please see our Bibb Bytes prospectus, and our Bibb News Magazine Prospectus.

Receive 24/7 internet advertising on the Bibbulmun Track website which receives between 4,000 and 6,200 unique visits a week:

  • Full business profile page with photo, contact details and link to your website.
  • Small profile under Accommodation & Services and Track Towns – linking back to your full profile page.
  • Location pins on the Section by Section Guide map page – with small profile linking back to your full profile page.


  • Receive Walker Friendly Business certificate to display at your premises.
  • Receive E-News updates monthly.
  • Receive a seasonal events program.
  • Bibbulmun Track Poster.
  • Access to trip planning advice.
  • Use of exclusive Walker Friendly Business logo at your establishment, on your website and publications (non-transferable).


  • Receive member discounts at various accommodation and service providers.
  • Reduced advertising rates in the Bibbulmun News magazine and Bibb Bytes monthly EDM.
  • Wholesale prices on Bibbulmun Track merchandise for on-selling to your customers.
  • 10% off (RRP) 1 set of relevant section maps for use/display on premises.

Funds from the Walker Friendly Business Program are used to promote the Bibbulmun Track to attract more walkers to the south west – to benefit your business.

How to join:

Being walker friendly is easy.  Providing a warm welcome and facilities to refresh, refill and re-energise are the main aims!

The cost for joining our Walker Friendly Business Program is $150 per annum. For more information or to apply click here.

Economic impact of the Track

  • Over 100,000 walks are made on the Track each year.
  • Approximately $13 million spent by walkers each year mostly in regional areas on accommodation, meals, fuel, track supplies, laundry and attractions.
  • 70% of walks are day walks –these people look like any other visitor in your town. It’s only the long-distance walkers who are identifiable by backpacks!
  • An average day walker spends from $30 to $40 as a result of their walk – walkers on a 2-3 day walk average around $150, while those on an end-to-end spend more than $1,400.
  • An increasing number of tour operators are operating on the Track and using local services.