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The Board

The volunteer Board members bring a wealth of experience and skills to the task of guiding the strategic direction of the BTF – so let’s meet them!

Kath Broderick – Chair

Kath Broderick was elected Chair in 2019. She has over 30 years’ professional experience in natural resource management and is Director of Broderick and Associates – a consulting business specialising in governance and capacity building.  Kath also bring experience in advocacy, environmental management, and strategic management amongst other things. She is a keen swimmer and bushwalker, and a member of the maintenance team looking after Frankland campsite and the stretch of Track on either side. Kath completed a sectional end-to-end in 2022.


John Holan – Deputy Chair

Deputy Chair, John Holan, has worked in a number of roles including as a police officer, a tour guide in Africa and Asia, then – after completing a degree in accounting – as a Forensic Accountant. His wide range of experience brings business development, financial management, legal and tourism skills to the Foundation. John enjoys hiking on the Track with his young family, introducing them to the wonders of nature.


Tristy Fairfield

Tristy comes to us with a strong background in the governance of not-for-profit organisations, having served for several years on the boards of Conservation Council WA and Renew, and the council of the Australian Conservation Foundation.  She has qualifications in Commerce and Applied Corporate Governance, has worked for both CCWA and the ACF, and is currently the Director of Low Carbon Australia. She is passionate about the environment and conservation and walked the Track end-to-end in 2022.


Tim Larkin

Tim lives on a small farm near Balingup on the Blackwood River where the Bibbulmun Track crosses his property. He is a very keen bush walker and has trekked many remote places both throughout Australia and the world. Tim brings to the Board more than 30 years’ experience working for leading multinational companies in project development, operational and strategic planning roles. In addition, he was the chief executive of an Aboriginal-owned, diversified business serving the Pilbara. He currently is the principal of a strategy and development consultancy and holds other Board roles.


Bruce Manning

Based in Albany, Bruce Manning was CEO of the Great Southern Development Commission 20 years and is the current Chair. Bruce has a long involvement with land-care and land management issues and is a founding Board member who provides a valuable, regional-based perspective and a passion for the environment. Along with business and strategic planning skills, Bruce brings advocacy, marketing, tourism, environmental and risk management experience.  He has been a maintenance volunteer since 1997, contributing to the care of Sandpatch campsite and the Track between there and Bay View Drive.


Charlie Soord

Charlie Soord worked as a Learning and Development Consultant in the mining industry, and has many years’ experience working with volunteers, and participating on management boards.  Now retired, he is intensely involved with Track management and maintenance as a Support Volunteer coordinator and sectional volunteer for Mt Clare campsite and the Track on either side. He is also a volunteer in the Recreation and Trails Unit of DBCA where he works on various aspects of trails management. Skills Charlie brings to the Foundation include human resource management, risk management, and training. Charlie completed his sectional end-to-end in 2010.


Mike Wood

Mike Wood was founding Chair of the Bibbulmun Track Board back in 1998 and only retired as Chair in 2019.  Mike has had a long career in the outdoor industry including guiding in the Nepal Himalaya, and 24 years as the franchisee/manager of a chain of Mountain Designs stores in WA.  He has won several awards and was announced as a Member (AM) of the Order of Australia in 2020.  His excellent networking and advocacy skills, business acumen and outdoor recreation knowledge have contributed greatly over the years. Mike was co-lead for the 10th Anniversary End-to-end walk.

The Board also comprise two representatives from the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA).


Stephen King

Stephen King is the Trails Coordinator of the Recreation and Trails Unit. His previous roles in the Department encompassed dieback interpretation; conservation, fire management and recreation management at both District and Regional level; and work with Bold Park and the Swan River Trust.




The remaining position on the Board is held by our Executive Director, Linda Daniels, as an ex-officio member.

Linda has been ED of the Foundation since 2003 and is responsible for reporting to the Board and keeping them abreast of operations as well as any external issues that may impact the Foundation or the Track.  Key roles include staff and project management, financial management and liaison with the Department, industry and community partners. She walked the Cape to Cape Track end-to-end in 2020 and hopes to be able to complete the Bibb Track one day!