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Here you can view the Bibbulmun Track Foundation’s Constitution and Annual General Meeting reports.

Bibbulmun Track Foundation’s Constitution (pdf 256Kb)

View the 2023 AGM Report (pdf 1mb)



Our Patron

Kerry Sanderson AC

The Board

As an incorporated organisation, the Foundation is managed by a volunteer Board of Management, with the Constitution providing the opportunity for up to seven BTF members to be elected. Find out more about our Board members.

Board members


  • Kathleen Broderick: Stewardship of natural resources: water, soil, biodiversity, coasts. Perth NRM, South West Catchments Council, Broderick and Associates.

Deputy Chair:

  • John Holan: Public Servant, Western Australian Government.


  • Tristy Fairfield: Director, Low Carbon Australia
  • Tim Larkin: Principal,  Larkin Strategic Consulting (LSC)
  • Bruce Manning: Retired.  Former CEO Great Southern Development Commission
  • Charlie Soord: Retired. Former Learning and Development  Consultant
  • Mike Wood: Director, Peregrine Travel Centre, Perth

DBCA Representatives:

  • Luke Bentley: Executive Director, Parks and Visitor Services, Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions
  • Stephen King: Recreation and Trails Unit, Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions

Executive Director:

  • Linda  Daniels joined the Foundation in 2003 and overseen its development into the stable organisation it is today.  Additionally she has contributed to the development of some of the state’s most important trail strategies including the WA Strategic Trails Blueprint. She was also instrumental in the development of Trails WA.

Auditor: Leigh Hancock CA, Opus Audit Pty Ltd

If you would like to get involved with the BTF at the board level, please become a member of the Foundation. You are then entitled to nominate and to attend the AGM, held in October each year.

Nominees are asked to outline the skills and experience they can bring to the organisation and the vote is conducted at the AGM.  Please submit an expression of interest by email.