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Field Day at Nullaki campsite

BTF volunteers and PaWS Albany District staff during the field day
BTF volunteers and PaWS Albany District staff during the field day

While Perth sweltered, it was just cool enough on the south coast last Friday to proceed with the final maintenance volunteer field day of the year at Nullaki campsite.

We all arrived early to beat the heat and soon got to work, giving the campsite a makeover. Typically on these days, we brush down and re-oil the shelter and toilet cladding, revarnish the bed platforms, re-oil the tables, do some painting, and clean the outside of the tank and pipes.

Another task at Nullaki involved completely stripping down the external table and replacing it with some jarrah recycled from another PaWS structure recently replaced. Once varnished, it looked wonderful!

We were very pleased to be joined by PaWS Albany District staff, who look after the Bibbulmun Track as one of their many recreational assets.

Well done, everyone, and special thanks to Albany volunteer Wes Fokkema for coordination assistance.