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Exciting news! We’ve reached our goal!

We did It! Thanks to your generous support, we’ve hit our $25,000 fundraising goal commemorating the 25th Anniversary of the Bibbulmun Track.

You have helped us raise much needed funds for track maintenance, with 10% of funds raised going towards Kaarakin Black Cockatoo Conservation Centre, helping save WA’s Black Cockatoos.

Walking on the Bibbulmun Track is free and we would like to keep it that way.

Your donation helps us maintain, and improve, the Track and facilities, and conserve the environment through which it passes, to ensure that this wonderful resource is available for future generations to enjoy.

These funds will be put to good use to:

  • Repair and maintain the 49 sleeping shelters, water tanks and other facilities along the Track.
  • Install water bars or steps to stabilise the Track to prevent or repair erosion.
  • Replace or improve signage after bushfires or when damaged.
  • Prune vegetation and remove fallen trees to keep the path clear.
  • Realign the Track as required to improve the experience for walkers.

A big thank you to all contributors for making a difference!