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Emergency tracker leads to bushwalker’s rescue

Police say a spot tracker might have saved the life of a bushwalker who ran out of water during 40-degree-heat yesterday.

The 47-year-old man was walking the Bibbulmun Track about 11 kilometres west of the Albany Highway in North Bannister, when he began to feel ill late on Wednesday afternoon of 20 February 2013.

The man activated his device, which sent out a distress signal with his exact location.

The Australian Search and Rescue then contacted WA police and gave them the man’s exact location.

Inspector Ian Clarke says it allowed the police helicopter to quickly locate the man and fly him back to Perth.

‘A very good message out to anybody that does bushwalking or prospecting or anything like that, just to reinforce to them that it is really money well spent if you go out and get some form of personal tracking device, it will allow emergency services to be able to locate you very, very quickly,’ he said.

The Foundation hires Personal Locating Beacons (PLBs) though you need to book them early as they are in high demand. For more information visit our hire webpage.

This is also a warning to carry extra water if you intend on walking during the summer in such high temperatures.