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Dwellingup 100 – Mighty Jarrah Trail 19 September 2020

5am. Outside it was dark, cold and it was pouring with rain. The downpour was a good reminder to double check the rain gear was packed. Heading out of Perth towards the lovely little town of Dwellingup the heavens continued to open. As the sun started to rise it became one of those stunning misty mornings that make an early rise worthwhile.

20 BTF volunteers had answered the call to volunteer and help out at the Dwellingup 100 Mountain Bike Race and the Mighty Jarrah Trail Run. The Events Centre organisers donated $30.00 per volunteer to the BTF so it was a cause too good to pass up.

After a 7am check in, there was plenty of time to get a coffee before the start. The Dwellingup Lions Club were on the grill with the all-time favourite sausage sandwich and the local Country Womens Association were ready with urns of hot soup.

The number of participants this year was the largest turnout yet. With 1077 riders and 432 runners, every volunteer was greatly appreciated. There was a real sense of excitement as the riders all queued for the start at 8:30am, arranged in their perspective groups. Elite riders at the front all the way down to some incredibly young riders at the back.

The BTF volunteers were given the essential marshal points around the course and the responsibility of getting 1509 people back to the finish line. They stood through rain, hail and shine to ensure the day was a great success. The first of the 100km riders came through the last marshal point in an eye watering time of just 4 hours and 20 minutes. The last few riders, exhausted but elated, reached the finish by 5:30pm.

The overall feeling on the day was one of triumph. From pride for the small children competing for the first time with mum and dad, respect for the amateurs who pushed themselves to a personal best and awe of the elite riders who represent an unsuppressed drive to achieve their goals.

Of course, making it all possible is the army of volunteers working away in the background. Many people on the day, organisers and participants alike, expressed their gratitude for the volunteers giving up their time and personal comfort to offer their support and encouragement.

It is incredibly rewarding to be part of the BFT team of volunteers. Being part of a group who not only support their own cause but are willing to reach out to assist others is truly what the spirit of volunteering is about.

Elisa Robinson ~ BTF Volunteer