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Changing of the Guard

Retiring Chair Mike Wood congratulates Kath Broderick on her appointment as Chair of the Bibbulmun Track Foundation board.
Retiring Chair Mike Wood congratulates Kath Broderick on her appointment as Chair of the Bibbulmun Track Foundation board.

After 21 years as Chair, Mike Wood stood down from the role on 31 October 2019.

Mike’s involvement with the Track started around 1993 when he joined a steering committee that oversaw the Building a Better Bibbulmun Track Project that resulted in the current alignment and the construction of the campsites.

He was instrumental in establishing the Bibbulmun Track Foundation and has been Chair of the Board since it was incorporated in 1997 (as the Friends of the Bibbulmun Track).

In addition to chairing the Board, Mike, personally and through his businesses, has been, and continues to be, extremely generous in sponsoring and supporting the BTF. For over 20 years he provided free office space and donated hiking equipment for hire to walkers, as rewards for the BTF’s volunteers and as prizes for fundraising. He also assisted with community talks and promotion. He is a strong advocate for the Track to the WA Government and others.

On tendering his resignation Mike said “The Foundation is in a great position with an excellent board, strong community support and a fantastic team of staff and volunteers. I feel now is a great time to hand over the reins.”

Peter Sharp, Director of DBCA’s Parks and Visitor Services thanked Mike on behalf of the Department and stated that, under Mike’s leadership, the Foundation has become an outstanding example of a successful community partnership, having the common goal of the protection and enjoyment of a community asset that we are passionate about.

Kathleen Broderick was elected the new Chair and we are delighted to welcome her to the role. Kath has been on the Board since 2016 and a Bibbulmun Track member and maintenance volunteer for many years prior to that.

She has over 30 years’ experience in the education and natural resource management sectors, and has contributed strongly to regional development.

We are sure that Kath will continue to take the organisation from strength to strength.