
We are very pleased to advise that the rebuild of Helena Campsite is underway. The internal layout of the shelter is similar to the Deep South providing increased weather protection whilst leaving most of the front wall open to maximise the views. Walker feedback from the rammed earth shelters built previously has been taken into […]

It is always great to received positive feedback from organisations who have benifited from one of our services. Late last year one of our trained presenters visited the Bush Rangers from Emmanuel Catholic College to share with them some key points before they headed out on their camp. Some of the topics covered included expedition […]

Congratulations to our two winners: ‘A Hiking Adventure’ by Tanika Schoeman and‘Rocky Pool Trail Walk’ by Adayna Fozdar It was extremely close between all entries so congratulations to you all! Everyone will be receiving a small prize in the post over the next few weeks. Thank you all for your participation we have greatly enjoyed […]

The Parks and Wildlife Service are currently undertaking a number of prescribed burns. Prescribed burning to reduce fuel loads. Make sure you stay up to date with closures and diversions along the Track. Where prescribed burning operations impact on the Track, temporary diversions will be put in place. Where the Track is diverted, walkers should […]

The Bibbulum Track is now twenty years old and showing wear and tear at various places along its length often due to erosion from rain made worse by the Track running almost straight up and down hill in places. Conventional repair methods have produced short-lived results requiring frequent time-consuming maintenance. Wind has also accelerated erosion […]

There still seems to be information out there that states that, in remote areas where there is no phone signal, by dialling 112 (instead of Triple Zero, 000) on your regular mobile or smart phone, that you will be connected to the emergency services. So what’s the deal – what is a furphy (false) and […]

Before starting out for a walk these holidays, there are a few things you should know. Are there going to be any groups at the campsites that you plan to stay at? Is there a diversion, closure, or another issue impacting the Track where you intend on walking? How will any prescribed burns affect you? […]

These spring school holidays are the perfect time to get the kids and whole family out on the Track and into the bush. Bushwalking is a fun and healthy outdoor activity which can be enjoyed by all the family. The Bibbulmun Track, Western Australia’s world-class long distance walk trail, is right on our doorstep, stretching […]

On 13 September 1998, Western Australia’s longest walk trail, the ‘new’ Bibbulmun Track, was opened by the Hon. Cheryl Edwards, the Minister for the Environment at the time. Stretching over 1000 kilometres from Kalamunda in the Perth Hills to Albany on the south coast the Track passes through some of the most beautiful and wild […]

As the weather becomes warmer, so the snakes will become more active along the Track. They can be seen almost anywhere, especially in late winter and spring, near the south coast and in swampy areas. The heavy footfalls of a walker are usually enough to frighten them away before they are seen. An exception to […]