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Busting the 112 myth thumbnail

There still seems to be information out there that states that, in remote areas where there is no phone signal, by dialling 112 (instead of Triple Zero, 000) on your regular mobile or smart phone, that you will be connected to the emergency services. So what’s the deal – what is a furphy (false) and […]

Hitting the Track these holidays? thumbnail

Before starting out for a walk these holidays, there are a few things you should know. Are there going to be any groups at the campsites that you plan to stay at? Is there a diversion, closure, or another issue impacting the Track where you intend on walking? How will any prescribed burns affect you? […]

School Holiday Fun on the Bibbulmun Track thumbnail

These spring school holidays are the perfect time to get the kids and whole family out on the Track and into the bush. Bushwalking is a fun and healthy outdoor activity which can be enjoyed by all the family. The Bibbulmun Track, Western Australia’s world-class long distance walk trail, is right on our doorstep, stretching […]

Bibbulmun Track Turns 20! thumbnail

On 13 September 1998, Western Australia’s longest walk trail, the ‘new’ Bibbulmun Track, was opened by the Hon. Cheryl Edwards, the Minister for the Environment at the time. Stretching over 1000 kilometres from Kalamunda in the Perth Hills to Albany on the south coast the Track passes through some of the most beautiful and wild […]

Oh yes, there are snakes on the Track thumbnail

As the weather becomes warmer, so the snakes will become more active along the Track. They can be seen almost anywhere, especially in late winter and spring, near the south coast and in swampy areas. The heavy footfalls of a walker are usually enough to frighten them away before they are seen. An exception to […]

Rejuvenation after bushfire thumbnail

At the start of January 2018, a deliberately lit fire near the Helena Valley swept through and destroyed the Helena Campsite. The area near the campsite in January While the Track is now open, Helena Campsite remains closed and will be for many more months while the site is rehabilitated and the campsite eventually rebuilt. […]

Flooding on Track thumbnail

We’ve been blessed with lots of rain recently – but be aware that this has caused flooding and other issues on the Track. We are aware of flooding south of Dwellingup and also that severe weather has impacted the Track on the south coast washing away trail markers and causing erosion. We advise checking conditions […]

Lodgement of Group Notifications have moved. thumbnail

Lodgements of Group Notifications (previously known as Notice of Intent or NOI) have moved to the Parks and Wildlife, Western Australia website. Any groups with eight or more members, that are staying overnight on the Bibbulmun Track are requested to complete a Group Notification at least 4 weeks before their walk. This information assists other […]

Sandpatch Campsite Destroyed thumbnail

We are sad that we have lost our second campsite to fire this year. Shelter destroyed On Friday 25th May, a bushfire from an escaped prescribed burn tore through the Torndirrup National Park in Albany and destroyed the most southern campsite on the Track. The roof on the shelter table Sandpatch campsite was built in […]

Jeju Olle Friendship trail thumbnail

Board member and volunteer Charlie Soord and his wife Sue who is also a volunteer, completed route 19 (19.1km) on the Jeju Olle walking trail which is twinned to Map 8 Denmark to Albany section on the Bibbulmun Track. The Jeju Olle walking trail is located on the beautiful island of Jeju, South Korea. Jeju […]