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The Track now on Google Street View thumbnail

In early 2018, the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions started a partnership with Google, to capture imagery on key tourist trails and attractions for inclusion on Google Street View. Many attractions and parks were eventually included (see https://parks.dpaw.wa.gov.au/connect/read/get-bird’s-eye-view-google-street-view). Significant promotional and informative benefits were anticipated from the project. As one of the state’s iconic […]

Be the Change – Containers for Change thumbnail

CHANGE STARTS WITH YOU When you recycle with Containers for Change, you get a 10 cent refund for every eligible drink container you return. Keep the refund or donate it to your favourite cause. The containers for change scheme provides exciting opportunities for sporting groups and charities to raise much needed funds as well as […]

Relax at Albany Bayview Lodge YHA thumbnail

Albany Bayview Lodge YHA is a charming and award-winning hostel, centrally located in the historical part of Albany. They have a variety of fantastic accommodation available including single, double, kand family rooms, as well as dormitory-style accommodation. Whether you are travelling in a group or going solo, Albany Bayview Lodge YHA can accommodate you, and […]

Track awareness for all trail users – We are in this together! thumbnail

Bibbulmun Track, near Donnelly River The Bibbulmun Track is a long-distance hiking trail that has been unequivocally designed for walkers and walkers alone. The facilities along the Track and the Track itself have been purpose built for walkers, and there is a network of volunteers who put a huge amount of time and effort in […]

Dwellingup 100 – Mighty Jarrah Trail 19 September 2020 thumbnail

5am. Outside it was dark, cold and it was pouring with rain. The downpour was a good reminder to double check the rain gear was packed. Heading out of Perth towards the lovely little town of Dwellingup the heavens continued to open. As the sun started to rise it became one of those stunning misty […]

Bibbulmun Track maps are changing thumbnail

You may notice some of our maps are now on different paper. DBCA’s Parks & Wildlife Service have advised they will no longer be printing maps on the old waterproof paper for the following reasons: the plastic- coated maps are not environmentally friendly, and the cost of importing the plastic-coated paper is triple what it […]

Investment in Bibbulmun Track upgrades thumbnail

Impression of the new Southern Terminus The Bibbulmun Track Foundation (BTF) is very pleased that the $150 million investment package to support WA’s tourism sector includes money for trail development and upgrades – including $1 million for the Bibbulmun Track. These works are to ensure the Track can meet increasing demand and continue to provide […]

We support Great Southern recovery! thumbnail

The Great Southern Centre for Outdoor Recreation Excellence (GSCORE) are thrilled about the announcement by the McGowan Government of funding for trails and outdoor recreation in the Great Southern. Below is their media release with the details. Today the McGowan Government unveiled a $57.7 million package for the Great Southern as part of the WA […]

Denmark Visitor Centre closes its doors thumbnail

Denmark Visitor Centre Last Friday the 31st of July marked the final day of tourism trading for the Denmark Visitor Centre. The Visitor Centre had been around for over 50 years and in that time grew to play an important role in Tourism for the region. With a very knowledgeable staff and volunteer base supporting […]

New Track maintenance collaboration thumbnail

We’re excited to welcome members of Ultra Series WA as our newest Track maintenance team. The trail running organisation will coordinate a group to regularly check and tend the Track between Nut Road lookout and the Conspicuous Beach carpark, just west of Peaceful Bay. Volunteer Manager Helen Grimm with Melanee Maisey and Shaun Kaesler from […]