
We are thrilled to announce that the Bibbulmun Track is over 1000km long! In late winter Steve Sertis and Steve Clark walked the Track end-to-end with the aim of re-writing the Track notes for the new Bibbulmun Track guidebooks. Not only were the notes updated but the distances between campsites were recalculated and updated to […]

After 8pm (WST) on Monday December 30, Steve Sertis, the Foundation’s Events Manager and Lead Guide joins ABC Nightlife radio presenter Kate O’Toole to talk about the wonders and magic of the Bibbulmun Track. This is a national program and can be heard on ABC Local Radio. Find your ABC Local Radio station. Tune in […]

The Barnett government has announced it is withdrawing six regional bus services by the end of this year. The bus services are between: Boxwood Hill to Bremer Bay – 33 passengers last year Albany to Ravensthorpe/Hopetoun – 1203 passengers last year Quairading to Narembeen Northam to Mukinbudin The Bunbury to Collie & Boyup Brook bus […]

Web designer Brendan Underwood from Ipixel won the state award in the 2013 Web Awards for their work on the Bibbulmun Track website. The criteria for winning the award was based on the website content as well as the design. The state win puts Ipixel in the running for the national award. « Widespread storm […]

Recent severe weather in the south west has impacted some sections of the Bibbulmun Track. It will take some time for DPaW staff to check and clear the Track as storm damage may exist over large sections between Kalamunda and Albany. Walkers need to be cautious of fallen trees and branches on the Track and […]

More than 1400 South West students took up the challenge during Term 2 to be active, drink lots of water, eat healthy foods and learn how to prevent beat disease. Students received points as they completed 15-minute blocks of physical activity and were given map stickers to show their progress along virtual tracks that included […]

The BTF proudly supported the 2013 Take the Challenge program by donating a Bibbulmun Track prize pack to the winners – Hocking Primary School’s ‘LA20’s Awesome Healthy Physical Students’! Take the Challenge promotes regular physical activ…ity and healthy eating schools. The program aims to promote healthy lifestyle behaviours in students by: • Developing their understanding […]

Some may say inspired, others may say crazy but our two marketing extraordinaires, Jean Byrne and Christine Geddis have signed up to participate in Perth’s inaugural Oxfam Trailwalker event! Jean and Christine, along with friends Gaynor and Emma, will join over 300 teams of four to tackle 100km of the Australian bush within 48 hours […]

For walkers wishing to take public transport to Collie, we’ve just discovered a new bus service. South West Coach Lines runs a daily service from Perth International Terminal stopping at Perth Esplanade Bus Port, Cockburn Central and Mandurah before going onto Bunbury and Collie. For more info. « Trail Bike conflicts – an action plan… […]

Unfortunately, due to the strong dollar and cheap imports, trail bike sales and registrations increased rapidly over the last few years. Trail bikes are the largest category of motorcycle sales in Australia and a growing number of West Australians have taken up recreational off road riding as a pastime. At the same time, residential developments […]