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What’s in a name? Snottygobble thumbnail

Growing up in Baldivis, Trevor Walley knew a low shrub whose yellow-green fruits, which he called “snottygobbles”, were sought out as bush tucker. The scientific name is persoonia saccata which is the shrub-like form and not as commonly seen as the persoonia longifolia pictured. The first popular book on Western Australian wildflowers, Emily Pelloes marvelous […]

Favourite Gear thumbnail

I purchased my first umbrella in 2016 and it proved its usefulness immediately when I was walking through Hungary in 38 degree heat on a bitumen road. The temperature dropped 7 degrees under the umbrella! It is wonderful in the rain because you don’t have to wear wet gear to stay dry, which makes you […]

Swamp Oak Shelter Extended thumbnail

In January 2019 a team of support volunteers returned to Swamp Oak Campsite to complete the shelter extension. Over six days the front roof section was removed, old timberwork demolished, sleeping area extended, new rafters and posts oiled and erected, new roofing installed, and gutters and piping refitted. In addition, two new fire rings, three […]

Ultra-Runners take the Bibbulmun Track in their stride thumbnail

In late February, Australia’s first 200 Miler ultra-marathon event, the Delirious W.E.S.T. 200 Miler, was held on the south coast. The actual course was 350 kilometres between Northcliffe and Albany along the Bibbulmun Track. The gruelling race attracted 35 runners from six countries and 14 from interstate. Many of the 170 volunteers and support crew […]

Lime Pit on the Nullaki Peninsula approved thumbnail

The State Administrative Tribunal has approved a lime pit on Nullaki Peninsula land owned by property developer Grame Roberston. The approval overturns the City of Albany’s decision last year to knock back the proposed lime pit. A similar proposal was rejected in 2007. The Foundation attended community forums and made submissions against the development as […]

Helena Campsite rebuild is underway thumbnail

We are very pleased to advise that the rebuild of Helena Campsite is underway. The internal layout of the shelter is similar to the Deep South providing increased weather protection whilst leaving most of the front wall open to maximise the views. Walker feedback from the rammed earth shelters built previously has been taken into […]

Student presentations – Bush Rangers thumbnail

It is always great to received positive feedback from organisations who have benifited from one of our services. Late last year one of our trained presenters visited the Bush Rangers from Emmanuel Catholic College to share with them some key points before they headed out on their camp. Some of the topics covered included expedition […]

Kids writing competition winners thumbnail

Congratulations to our two winners: ‘A Hiking Adventure’ by Tanika Schoeman and‘Rocky Pool Trail Walk’ by Adayna Fozdar It was extremely close between all entries so congratulations to you all! Everyone will be receiving a small prize in the post over the next few weeks. Thank you all for your participation we have greatly enjoyed […]

Prescribed burns impact upon the Track thumbnail

The Parks and Wildlife Service are currently undertaking a number of prescribed burns. Prescribed burning to reduce fuel loads. Make sure you stay up to date with closures and diversions along the Track. Where prescribed burning operations impact on the Track, temporary diversions will be put in place. Where the Track is diverted, walkers should […]

Longterm strategic approach to Track durability thumbnail

The Bibbulum Track is now twenty years old and showing wear and tear at various places along its length often due to erosion from rain made worse by the Track running almost straight up and down hill in places. Conventional repair methods have produced short-lived results requiring frequent time-consuming maintenance. Wind has also accelerated erosion […]