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Trailing Around the World

Tongariro Northern Circuit, NZ thumbnail

Sally Woodhead, Perth, WA The Tongariro National Park is the oldest National Park in New Zealand, located close to the centre of the North Island, to the south-west of Lake Taupa. If you are lucky enough to be blessed with a clear sky on your arrival at the Park, you will have a wonderful view […]

Shakespeare’s Way, UK thumbnail

Bill Orme In a country with hundreds of named walking paths, it is surprising that it has taken so long for someone to design a path named after one of Britain’s most famous sons—William Shakespeare. Shakespeare’s Way, a walk of 146 miles, opened in April 2008. It runs from Stratford-upon-Avon, Shakespeare’s birthplace, to the Globe […]

Freycinet and Apsley National Parks and Maria Island, Tasmania thumbnail

Alan Barker, Perth, WA Most of the group arrived at the Penny Royal Hotel in Launceston on the afternoon of 8th March.  We took a leisurely stroll up Cataract Gorge, one of Launceston’s premier tourist attractions. The weather was good, the walk was easy, and the group took the opportunity to get to know one […]

The Great Ocean Walk, Victoria thumbnail

Kemp family The Dilemma:  A disparate family group of ten people covering three generations, aged between eighteen months and sixty-eight years of age, wanting some experience of the Great Ocean Walk.  Backpacking is not an option. Available time, three days. The Compromise: To select a section of the walk and find appropriate accommodation.  Six people […]

Across The Pyrenees thumbnail

Barry Bryan and Margaret Bryant, UK The Pyrenees are a mountain range, some 450km  in length, which form a natural border between France and Spain. There are several summits in the range that are over 3000m high, including Vignemale, at 3289 metres. Weather systems, sweeping in from the Atlantic, keep the west and north facing […]

The Milford Track, New Zealand thumbnail

Jane Greenwood and John Faris, Perth, WA The Milford Track is one of the Great Walks in New Zealand and the world, running from Lake Te Anau to Milford Sound in Fiordland in the southwest of the South Island.  It follows the Clinton River from the head of the lake, crosses the McKinnon Pass and […]

East Tyrol in Austria thumbnail

Edith Thomas, Perth, WA Lienz is a small town in East Tyrol, Austria.  I love the jagged mountain ranges of the Dolomites that surround this lovely town.  I had a short stay there on a trip with my son in 2005 and had not expected to return so soon. But sitting around, recalling old times […]

Trekking the Heysen Trail and the Gammon Ranges thumbnail

Steve Sertis, Perth, WA A long, long time ago in a place not that far away, a mountain system was formed, which over time weathered away to become what we now call the Flinders Ranges. The ranges themselves stretch from just south of Port Augusta toward the NT border, and cover an area that is […]

Jomolhari Trail, Bhutan thumbnail

Jim Baker, Perth, WA Bhutan is the most mysterious country in South Asia, as well as being one of the most beautiful. It sits on the roof of the world, bordered to the south by India and to the north by Tibet. The local name for Bhutan is Druk Yul, which translates as the Land […]

The Cotswold Way, UK thumbnail

Peter Dear, Perth, WA The Cotswold Hills lie between Bath and Stratford-upon-Avon in an English countryside of beautiful fields, woods, ancient villages and stone cottages. It is steeped in history and tradition and is easily accessible to the walker.  There is a confusing maze of paths and rights of way, which, although well marked, are […]