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Trailing Around the World

“Aussie Legs” Hike the Appalachian Trail thumbnail

Alana Reid, Perth, WA In March of 2015 the three of us were on a plane bound for Atlanta, Georgia. Fate had made it so we could all take off the six months required to hike the entire Appalachian Trail (AT). Mum was almost 60, Lindsey had decided maybe she did enjoy walking again, and […]

Mountains to Mediterranean on the Pyrenees thumbnail

Steve Sertis, Perth WA After completing the section of the Camino between Sarria and Santiago de Compostela, most of the group headed, via Barcelona, toward the first village in the Spanish Pyrenees— Setcases. Setcases is a small secluded village nestled in a valley below the picturesque mountains. Its history dates back to 965 A.D. and […]

Bruce Trail, Canada thumbnail

Hiker on the Bruce Trail in Canada The Bruce Trail runs along the escarpment from Niagara to Tobermory, with more than 890 kilometres of main track and over 400 kilometres of associated side trails. Like the Bibbulmun Track, the Bruce Trail is for walkers only, except for limited sections that pass along public roads or […]

Jeju Olle Trail, South Korea thumbnail

Jeju is a volcanic island located off the southern tip of South Korea. Its sub-tropical climate has always made it a popular venue for Koreans, especially honeymooners, over decades. It is a place of great beauty, with picturesque lava rock scenery, ocean cliff views and beautiful groves of tangerine trees. Located in the centre is […]

Hiking Rim-to-Rim, Grand Canyon USA thumbnail

Barry and Margaret Bryan, UK Since we retired in 2000 Margaret and I have embarked on many adventures and have managed to celebrate our wedding anniversary on three occasions on the Bibbulmun Track; in 2003 at Dookanelly, in 2006 at Swamp Oak and in 2009 at Chadoora—all on end-to-end walks.  Travel is infectious and the […]

Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania thumbnail

Claire Brittain, Perth, WA Mount Kilimanjaro or “I’m not dead yet” (with apologies to Monty Python) To climb to the Roof of Africa was never going to be a stroll in the park. We went into training with the realization that it isn’t easy to train for high altitude trekking at sea level, but we […]

A Week on the Camino Trail thumbnail

Mike Wood, Perth, WA There is something about all the world’s long distance trails that implies pilgrimage, whether or not they include churches or religious sites. A long trail involves introspection and contemplation, promotes meditation and forces you to commit to the completion of the journey. You become immersed in that journey and the destination […]

Austria, the Hiker’s Paradise thumbnail

Edith Thomas, Perth, WA The mountains of Austria are surely one of the world’s loveliest places to make you want to pick up your walking poles, put on your trusty boots and explore the well-marked tracks. It is hard to decide between walks as the choice is endless, from an easy stroll to an adventurous […]

Ski touring in the Snowy Mountains thumbnail

Peter Campbell For most West Australians, ski touring, or cross country skiing is not something that would rank high in their list of things to do on holiday. The Australian Alps are not particularly high by any standard; Mt Kosciuszko, Australia’s highest mainland peak at 2228 metres would be regarded as a mere foothill compared […]

Coast to Coast Walk, UK thumbnail

Jim Baker, Perth, WA The concept of a walk across the top of England was the brainchild of the late Alfred Wainwright, possibly England’s best known writer of walking guides. Wainwright was a complex personality; he who would disappear for days on end into the countryside, re-emerge to write up his notes of his walks, […]