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Tales from the Track

We are always looking for stories for both our website and the member’s magazine ‘Bibbulmun News’. Why not email your story of adventure? Photos are more than welcome!

Click on the headings to read stories from walkers. They are not listed in any particular order.

The way of the Waugal thumbnail

Graham and Ella Reeks, No fixed abode 24 January 2012 Graham and Ella Reeks are standing, staring, walking, driving their way around Australia. Steve Sertis from the Foundation was lucky enough to share a campsite with them on a recent walk on the Cape to Cape Track. Naturally Steve told them all about the Bibbulmun […]

Teen Trek thumbnail

Chelsea Badger, WA 23 January 2012 Teen Trek was one of the most amazing and fun experiences that I have ever had. The memories created over those three days are enough to last forever. The friendships we created, the laughter we had together, the m&ms in the marshmallows and the fun we experienced as a […]

Two million steps on the Bibbulmun Track thumbnail

Alan Alexander, Queensland, Australia At 11.00am on Saturday June 5th 2010, I arrived at the Northern Terminus of the Bibbulmun Track at Kalamunda hand in hand with my wife. So ended an incredible and very special journey of 966km over 46 consecutive days, which began on April 21st in Albany. This was an emotional moment, undoubtedly experienced by many […]

A walker’s philosophy thumbnail

Peter Laud, WA 23 January 2012 Conostylus. When I was diagnosed with cancer I turned to the Track. When I missed out on a redundancy package of $100,000 by resigning five weeks too soon I turned to the Track. I turned to the Track again when fire – the result of a moment’s carelessness with an […]

Ten years in the making thumbnail

Sandi Sime, WA 23 January 2012 We seem to have been walking the Bibbulmun Track for years, some parts many times—we have probably done about 1600 kms before finally claiming end-to-end status. Our first section was from Donnelly River to Walpole in 2001, when the suspension bridge over Deep River near Walpole was burnt out by a […]

The Bibbulbums thumbnail

Cliff and Sharron Burns 23 January 2012 ‘Veni, vidi, vici’ – so said Caesar after his short confrontation at Zela, Turkey, back in 47 BC. In a more up-to-date version of the ancient famous sentence we can now say, “The Bibbulbums went, saw and conquered”. It was an extraordinary fifty-eight day adventure – far too […]

Weekend Warriors thumbnail

Sarah Longland, Sue Miles and Gael Mclean, aka “The Weekend Warriors”, WA 23 January 2012 The Weekend Warriors have a collective age of 150 years and one of our three had already been walking the Track for ten years and had not yet reached the half-way mark of an “end-to-end”. Fortunately the other two were keen […]

The Laughing Ladies who did it! thumbnail

Narelle Goodall and Deb Badger, aka Laughing Ladies, WA 23 January 2012 Finally an end-to-ender! by Deb Badger (Laughing Lady #3) It may have taken me six years to walk the entire length of the Bibbulmun Track, but what a journey, both emotionally and physically.  I had never done any walking or hiking in my […]

End-to-end or bust! thumbnail

Mike Allanson It has taken me seven years to finally become a genuine Bibb Track end-to-ender. Now what am I going to do? (Ed : Become a volunteer, Mike?) This is how it all started. My daughter Cindy was a student at Kingsway Christian College, and I was invited to participate in the annual year […]

Becoming a maintenance volunteer thumbnail

Peter Evans, WA 23 January 2012 I visited the Bibbulmun Track Foundation Office to discuss becoming a Track Maintenance Volunteer. Gwen Plunkett advised me which sections of the Track were available, and I nominated one. “Okay,” she said. “ This is now your section of the Track.” “My section,” I thought. “Hey, that’s pretty cool.” Fine, […]