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Tales from the Track

We are always looking for stories for both our website and the member’s magazine ‘Bibbulmun News’. Why not email your story of adventure? Photos are more than welcome!

Click on the headings to read stories from walkers. They are not listed in any particular order.

End-to-End plus a bit extra! thumbnail

Michael and Veronika Schulze, Germany 16 April 2014 In Germany in the late 1990s we read about the Bibbulmun Track in the Australian Geographic. We forgot about it for a while, then in 2010 Michael decided he wanted to walk the Larapinta Trail and thought a section of the Bibbulmun Track would be good training, […]

A Floral Dance thumbnail

Barbara Steiner, WA 26 June 2013 In September 2011 I took part in a guided 8-day walking tour along the famous Bibbulmun Track, and one of my long-held dreams came true. I saw the wildflowers of Western Australia in spring as nature intended. The group in Dwellingup We covered between 10 and 14.5km of the […]

There and Back Again thumbnail

Dave Hartley, WA 25 June 2013 In 1990 I set out on a very different Bibbulmun Track to that of today—no shelters and very few camping spots with any facilities. From memory, not good these days, I found four campsites, possessing just a concrete fire ring with a plate and hook, and a toilet. Evidently […]

Reflections from the South African Chooks! thumbnail

Penny Allen and Hilke Kruger (the SA Chooks), South Africa 15 June 2013 To walk nearly 1000km and to be pretty much away from civilisation and self- sufficient for 50 days appeals to only a few crazies. Well I confess I am crazy. And Hilke must be too. The two of us came all the […]

Finding my way on the Bibbulmun Track thumbnail

Emily Pinkus, WA 6 March 2012 Emily in the Showgrounds. On the 13th October 2008 Simon and I set out from Kalamunda to walk the Bibbulmun Track end-to-end. We were no athletes when we started, but two months and 963 kilometres later we arrived in Albany fitter, healthier, happier—and sweatier. The first week was tough, […]

What a difference a walk makes thumbnail

Wayne, WA 24 January 2012 I have just completed my long cherished dream of completing an ‘end-to-end’. My journey began in April 2004, when my wife and I were trying to deal with a son who had got into drugs and crime. We were at a loss and feeling overwhelmed, guilty and confused. Somewhere I […]

Uluru and Lief – Albany to Pemberton thumbnail

Jacqui and Lief, USA 24 January 2012 Uluru and Lief, aka Jacqui and Lief, travelled from the USA to spend three weeks walking on the Track between June 1st and June 20th 2006. Their journey took them from Albany to Pemberton. The website also contains the journal of Michael and Megan from New Zealand, who […]

A walk along the south-coast thumbnail

John Cannon, Tasmania 24 January 2012 Our Bibbulmun Track walk on the south coast of Western Australia near Albany had been some months in the planning. As the rain beat a tattoo on the roof of the hut in William Bay National Park, the six of us wondered what we had let ourselves in for. We later discovered that […]

Real Dutch courage! thumbnail

Lennard and Daphne Koster-Bloemkolk, Holland 24 January 2012 Bibbulmun Track 20 September – 21 November 2009 What went ahead Somewhere during our internship in 2003 in Sydney (or Sidney in Dutch, but that looks awfully awkward) we heard of the Bibbulmun track for the first time. Back then we only had less than 3 months […]

ARPA Bushwalkers return to the Bibbulmun Track thumbnail

Karin Waterman, South Australia 24 January 2012 ARPA bushwalkers at the southern terminus in Albany. We began our journey on October 12th through the beautiful tall trees of the karri and jarrah forest and passed the huge Gloucester Tree, which was first used as a fire lookout. This magnificent tree is there to be climbed; […]