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Maintenance volunteer activities thumbnail

Sectional maintenance volunteers for the northern parts of the Track recently headed out to take part in their annual District Field Day. Volunteers visited Beraking campsite (Perth Hills district of PaWS) and Possum Springs campsite (Wellington district) to give the shelter and campsite a facelift. Maintenance manager Sue Morley took some brand-new volunteers for a […]

Buy an Entertainment Book today to help support the Track! thumbnail

The Gift of Entertainment is a Digital Membership valid for 12 months from the day of activation. We receive 20% of the sale from each Membership for our fundraiser and you’ll get 12 months of thanks and appreciation for being an exceptional gift giver. The Gift of Entertainment has savings for everyone, with thousands of […]

BTF Kicks off Boat Harbour Stabilisation Project thumbnail

Thanks to the WA government’s Natural Resource Management grant, preparations are underway to repair sections of the Bibbulmun Track in the Boat Harbour region, which will include stabilising sand, addressing erosion, maintaining signage, as well as restoring stairs and other structures. The preparation of this project is the culmination of months of detailed planning and […]

Latest Calendar of Events now online! thumbnail

The Bibbulmun Track Foundation offers a variety of events to suit all ages and most fitness levels. From guided walks to learning how to cook amazing food on a fuel stove you’re sure to find something that interests you! Our events calendar is published online twice a year. It includes day walks, overnight walks, ladies […]

Volunteer Guide Training Program Update thumbnail

The Bibbulmun Track Foundation (BTF) maintains a pool of 20+ volunteer guides who lead bushwalks on the Bibbulmun Track as part of our events program. The program aims to promote the Track as accessible to the broadest range of the population as well as educate and encourage community participation. In 2009 the BTF overhauled its […]

2021 update of “Eyes on the Ground” Maintenance Program thumbnail

What a year it has been! With the unprecedented amount of wet weather this year, we are seeing more track maintenance issues than usual. Flooding, washouts, diversions, trees down – our maintenance volunteers have more than likely come across them. In the past 3 months we received up to 150 report requests for track and […]

2021 WA Seniors Awards winners thumbnail

2021 WA Seniors Awards winners were announced on Thursday, 25 November 2021 ​Contributions of seniors, businesses and local governments celebrated yesterday included James Freeman who was recognised for the many years of volunteer work with the Bibbulmun Track Foundation. The annual WA Seniors Awards celebrate and recognise the valued contributions of seniors, businesses and local […]

Celebrating our volunteers thumbnail

As work starts to wrap up for 2021, we give a huge shout out and thanks to all of our 460 volunteers who made a contribution this year. With only 4.5 FTE staff, our volunteers literally do a lot of the leg work! They’re out on the Track checking and repairing their sections … providing […]

Lotterywest Grant for Bibbulmun Track Website upgrades thumbnail

The not-for-profit Bibbulmun Track Foundation has received a grant from Lotterywest for $81,400 for a project to upgrade and improve online resources. Minister for Emergency Services; Racing and Gaming; Small Business; Volunteering Hon. Reece Raymond Whitby, MLA along with the Minister for Finance; Lands; Sport and Recreation; Citizenship and Multicultural Interests the Hon. Dr Tony […]

New Southern Terminus officially open thumbnail

On 9 November 2021, Albany’s new Bibbulmun Track and Munda Biddi Trail terminus was officially opened on York Street, ready to guide visitors directly to the heart of the city. Work on the $178,000 project started in April to move the southern terminus of the two trails from Proudlove Parade near the old visitor centre […]