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Dookanelly to Possum Springs Realignment Under Construction thumbnail

When the Long Gully Bridge was destroyed by fire in 2016 the replacement, Bilya Djena Bidi, was built downstream opening to walkers in 2017. It was, for convenience, connected to the existing Track using mostly long boring 4WD roads popular with campers whose 4WD vehicles dig deep holes spanning the entire track width, treacherously deep when water-filled in winter.

Bibbulmun Track Virtual Hike Challenge Updates thumbnail

Bibbulmun Track Virtual Hike Challenge Updates

Bibbulmun Track 25th Anniversary End-to-end Walk Updates thumbnail

Our 25th Anniversary end-to-end walkers are making great progress on the Bibbulmun Track! Let’s dive into their awe-inspiring journey so far!

New Merchandise: Bibbulmun Track Polo Shirts and Longsleeve Tees thumbnail

We have a new range of merchandise: Bibbulmun Track polo shirts and long sleeve Tees featuring a design by Bibbulmun Noongar elder, Joe jopossum Collard.

Three Adventurous Gentlemen Complete the 1000km Bibbulmun Track Virtual Hike Challenge thumbnail

A team of three inspiring gentlemen, with an average age of 65, has accomplished an extraordinary feat, completing the 1000km Bibbulmun Track Virtual Hike Challenge in just over 12 days. Throughout their incredible journey, they raised funds for the Bibbulmun Track Foundation and Kaarakin Black Cockatoo Conservation Centre, contributing to the conservation of the majestic Australian wilderness.

2023 AGM Papers thumbnail

2023 AGM Papers

And they’re off! thumbnail

On 14 July the Bibbulmun Track’s 25th Anniversary Celebrations kicked off with an official reception at the Zig Zag Cultural Centre in Kalamunda followed by a rousing send-off for the walkers at the Northern Terminus.

Bibbulmun Track Virtual Hike Challenge: Join the journey! thumbnail

Embark on an immersive virtual exploration of the 1000-kilometre Bibbulmun Track, following in the footsteps of the end-to-end walkers who will complete the Track from Kalamunda to Albany in celebration of its 25th anniversary. Track your daily step count and progress on a virtual map of the Track, discovering 32 milestones with captivating photos and […]

Celebrate our 25th year with an adventure – bookings close soon! thumbnail

  Wednesday 13 September 2023 marks the 25th Anniversary of the opening of the Perth-to-Albany Track, now known to us as the Bibbulmun Track. As part of the anniversary, a range of festivities are being held in the communities along the length of the Track between July and September, with opportunities for walkers, young and old, to get involved.  […]

Our new office is open! thumbnail

Our new office, located at Units 3 & 4, 62 Ord St, West Perth, is open and operations are back in full swing. The Foundation’s reception complete with all our unique merchandise is set up and ready to go….. along with our amazing office volunteers! We still have a little unpacking to do, but we […]