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Exploring Western Australia’s Natural Wonders thumbnail

The Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC) has recently released a stunning 327 page book showcasing 65 of the top national, regional and marine parks in Western Australia. This region-by-region guide provides information about each park’s history, natural attractions and how to explore the park. There is also information on the range of activities available […]

Get On Track Challenge Virtual Walk – Complete! thumbnail

Twenty four active teams took to the virtual Bibbulmun Track as they jogged, logged and blogged their way through our very own Diabetes WA ‘Get On Track Challenge’. The six week Challenge came to an end on June 27th and the Laughing Ladies were the team to finish with the most km logged – 2774 […]

Jim Underwood – ABC South Coast interview thumbnail

Jim Underwood and his wife Katie have recently walked the Bibbulmun Track from Kalamunda to Denmark with their three young children, aged 11, 8 and 4! Jim was recently interviewed by ABC South Coast and Great Southern Mornings presenter John Cecil about his experience and the families two month journey on the Track. Jim gives […]

Scotch College Boarders Complete End-to-End thumbnail

This year saw the completion of a four-year sectional end-to-end for nine Scotch College boarders as part of the WACE Bibbulmun Track Expedition. They completed their Bibbulmun Track journey earlier this year when they arrived into the Albany terminus accompanied by school bagpipers. Their 52 day, 967.2km achievement appeared in the Post newspaper on March […]

Our Bibbulmun Track Guides thumbnail

Not long after the inception of the Bibbulmun Track Foundation in 1997, a program to get urbanites back to nature and onto the Bibbulmun Track began. This program is still underway today – you would know it as the Calendar of Events. Since then we have held over 1000 events (not including our corporate walks, […]

Thanks to everyone that responded to the survey requesting feedback on our website. We received over thumbnail

Thanks to everyone that responded to the survey requesting feedback on our website. We received over 100 responses with some great suggestions which will help us design our new site. Thank you! Congratulations to Sarah McNamara of Albany who completed the survey and won an X-bowl donated by Sea to Summit. Here is a sample […]

Research into outcomes and benefits of long-distance walking thumbnail

Have you ever undertaken a long-distance walk which led to a personally significant experience? Rob Saunders from Monash University in Victoria is looking for people who have written journals or reflections about special long-distance walking experiences. Confidentiality will be assured by de-identifying both the author and any other person mentioned in written material provided. In […]

Create your hard cover photobook! thumbnail

Create your commemorative hard cover photobook using your own Bibbulmun Track photos from $95. Contact Fiona at Cahoots on 0431 453 593, fiona@cahootsphotos.com.au or download the free software at http://www.cahootsphotos.com.au and enter Activation Code AJ009983AB4666. « Walking the Track with the vision and hearing impaired Research into outcomes and benefits of long-distance walking »

Walking the Track with the vision and hearing impaired thumbnail

We often take for granted the ease with which we are able to access the Bibbulmun Track. But imagine you were deafblind. The simple act of going for a walk if you suffered from limited sight and hearing would not only be difficult, but would also raise significant safety concerns. The Senses Foundation is a […]