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Boat Harbour Stabilisation

Rain and strong winds in May failed to dampen the efforts of the two Support Volunteer teams – 16 volunteers in total, that embarked on Campaign 1 of the South Coast Stabilisation Project working west of Boat Harbour.

After extensive surveys and inspections, a range of track treatments and materials were considered and planned depending on terrain, gradient, exposure and sustainability.

In March the helicopter pilot placed the 33 loads (10 tonnes) right on the stockpile locations marked earlier, so on the first morning the SVs set about unloading tools and materials to get started.

Two days of fine weather provided great working conditions on the steep track sections west of Boat Harbour where old broken steps were cleared and new steps with track pad laid in their place. Other sections, surveyed in 2021 were also prepared, track pad laid and steps installed to improve walking while stabilising the sand. Coir mesh was laid and pinned to stabilise the sides and encourage regrowth.

Despite the sometimes wintery conditions this was a highly successful campaign, testament to the months of planning and teamwork by BTF with the close support of Parks and Wildlife Frankland District. Sincere thanks to the Western Australian Government’s State NRM Program for supporting this project.

The SV teams, with some sectional volunteers, will return to the Track in early June for Campaign 2. Project completion is planned for September with Campaign 4.

This project is supported by funding from the Western Australian Government’s State NRM Program.