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Boat Harbour rehabilitation

A major project to prevent further erosion and encourage revegetation in the dune stretches along the south coast is progressing well.

On the third campaign this year, our volunteers were pleased to be joined by rangers from the Binalup Aboriginal Corporation who are keen to learn about the techniques we are using to stabilize the Track in these sandy conditions and rehabilitate badly eroded sections near Boat Harbour.

Binalup Rangers with BTF Maintenance Manager, Sue Morley and BTF volunteer Ross Simpson. From L to R:  Darren Hardy, Neil Williams, Sue, Ross, Grant Hardy, Shawn Colbung.
Binalup Rangers with BTF Maintenance Manager, Sue Morley and BTF volunteer Ross Simpson. From L to R: Darren Hardy, Neil Williams, Sue, Ross, Grant Hardy, Shawn Colbung.

We look forward to building on this partnership and learning from the rangers about how they care for country.

View the above video produced by DBCA to find out more and see the spectacular views from this section of Track!

BTF volunteer, Ross Simpson, passing on techniques developed to manage erosion on the south coast.
BTF volunteer, Ross Simpson, passing on techniques developed to manage erosion on the south coast.