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Bibbulmun Track Vision Workshop

On Sunday 19th November, the Foundation held a Vision Workshop for members and volunteers. The aim of the workshop was to build on the concepts gained from the online Vision Survey to develop a vision for the future of the Bibbulmun Track. The results of the workshop will articulate how we, the members, want the Track to look and feel.

Over 70 members attended to help flesh out the concepts that were grounded in the five most important attributes raised in the survey: those being the natural wilderness experience; the physical and mental challenge; solitude; simplicity; and the track facilities.

Concepts discussed at the workshop included:

Fundraising methods such as membership fees, ways to increase BTF membership, and consideration of fee systems for use of the Track.
The types of roads considered most acceptable to be used for alignments (e.g., old forestry tracks or rail formations, management tracks and/or public roads).
The style of bridge acceptable for different types of water crossings.
Campsites and shelters – including layout, preferred shelter, and improvements considered a priority.
Workshop participants were asked to sum up the unique character and traits of the Bibbulmun Track that they felt we need to ensure are retained (the look, feel, and character).

We would like to sincerely thank all members and volunteers who participated for their amazing input. The response rate and feedback was outstanding and constructive. Feedback about the workshop from participants was overwhelmingly positive.

“What a well-run session it was today. Well done to Ce, Steve, Linda and the team who organised it. Really enjoyed participating, and I hope the BTF gets lots of worthwhile data from this workshop.”

“I just want to congratulate the team for putting on such a professional session yesterday pm. It also made me happy to see that the survey we filled out has been looked at closely. It actually revitalised my enthusiasm for the Track!”

Stay tuned for more detailed results of the Vision Workshop which will be circulated to members.