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Bibbulmun Team Challenge Winners Announced at Awards Night

KPMG were crowned as 2014 Bibbulmun Team Challenge Champions at an Awards ceremony earlier this week. A fantastic time was had by all the teams who were able to catch up and reminisce about their experiences on the Track.

Score Board:

Challenge Champions: KPMG (2355 points)

Joint Runners Up: Sierra Grandies & Axis of Ignorance (2050 points)

4th: SP_CE (1975 points)

5th: Geraldton Grammar School (1925 points)

6th: The Sharp Squad (1905 points)

7th: CBA (1800 points)

8th: Long Way to Go (1430 points)

Team SP_CE were presented with ‘The Jim Freeman Spirit of the Bibbulmun Award’. This special award is presented to the team who shows the most affinity with the bush and who excel at working as a team through adversity, to push personal boundaries and grow both individually and as a team. The teams who have won the award thus far agree it’s almost as big an honour as winning the team challenge.

Congratulations to all the teams involved in this year’s challenge. We are overwelmed by the fantastic feedback we have received from all participants.

‘We all had an absolutely fantastic time and certainly learned a great deal also. Truly one of the best events / programs I’ve been on. A credit to you and your team. FLAWLESS!’ Ashraf Dashlooty, Director & Principal Consultant, Haseen (Team SP_CE).