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Another campsite lost – Gardner Campsite

Initial reports from aerial observations indicated that Gardner Campsite was still standing. However on-the-ground assessments have revealed that it has been damaged beyond repair.


Gardner Campsite - another nice spot to spend a night.
Gardner Campsite – another nice spot to spend a night.


Both Gardner and Dog Pool Campsites were located well within the fire zone. We are yet to hear about the fate of the many significant bridges in the area while assessment continue to take place.


Dog Pool shelter brought to the ground.
Dog Pool shelter brought to the ground.


We are also saddened to learn that the bridge across the Shannon River has been destroyed.


Dog Pool Bridge over the Shannon River significantly damaged.
Dog Pool Bridge over the Shannon River significantly damaged.


This has a significant impact to walkers as the Track is now cut in two places; the Long Gully Bridge across the Murray River and this bridge across the Shannon River.


Remains of the Water gauging station solar panel.
Remains of the Water gauging station solar panel.



Dog Pool shelter destroyed in 2015.
Dog Pool shelter destroyed in 2015.