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All Eyes On Collie and Dwellingup: Major Trail Projects Underway

In order to deliver the Dwellingup Adventure Trails, DBCA has partnered with the Shire of Murray to secure $3.45M through a Commonwealth Government Building Better Regions grant and brought in their own contribution of $4.95M.

Over 30km of new mountain bike trails will be built in Murray Valley, along with an 8km realignment of the Munda Biddi Trail and a new trail link between Dwellingup and Lane Poole Reserve. At Baden Powell a new trail centre and suspension bridge for walkers and cyclists will be constructed. The suspension bridge will be connecting to the Murray Valley trail network across the Murray River and promises a spectacular view looking out over the rapids. For more information please check out the YouTube video here.

With $10M from The State Governments Royalties for Regions funding, The Collie Adventure Trails project is sure not to disappoint.

Over 130km of Mountain Bike Trails will be built throughout Wellington National Park, Arklow Forrest Block and Westralia Conservation Park. Multi-day loops and link trails from Collie are in the plans as well as a new river crossing, and completion of the 72km Walking Trail through Wellington National Park.

However it’s not all about building trails, in an effort to seek Trail Town status Collie is upgrading its facilities, with new bike wash stations, bike racks, storage, signage… the list goes on. For Collie, DBCA predicts a Tourism spend of $3.8M annually, creating over 30 employment opportunities in the area. The Collie Adventure Trails project is due to be finished by 2023. Check out the full report here.