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Alcoa families explore the Track

The Foundation’s partnership with Alcoa provides $10,000 a year towards projects undertaken by the Support Volunteer team. Each year we invite Alcoa’s employees to enjoy a walk on the Track with our guides and this year the group were offered the opportunity to see how these funds were spent at Swamp Oak Campsite, south of Dwellingup.

Two of the three BTF guides on the walk were also Support Volunteers who were able to explain the work involved in extending the shelter and improving facilities to increase the capacity of this popular campsite.

Alcoa Willowdale Mine Manager, Trever Stockil, said the partnership Alcoa has with the Bibbulmun Track Foundation is a very important one. “On our walk we heard from our guides Graham, Ce and Peter about the critical role that volunteers like them play in keeping the track and associated infrastructure maintained. Our guides shared a wealth of knowledge on local flora and fauna and my son and I had a fantastic day on the track. I feel very proud to work for a company that supports these volunteers to undertake their important work.”

Alcoa employees (and friends and family) and BTF guides at Swamp Oak campsite
Alcoa employees (and friends and family) and BTF guides at Swamp Oak campsite

Volunteer Guide Ce Kealley said “It was a pleasure to introduce the Alcoa group to the Track. We spotted quite a few wildflowers along the way and were treated to seeing the zamia palms bearing fruit. A highlight was being able to show the Alcoa employees the work undertaken as a result of our partnership, and for them to meet Graham and Peter who are part of the support volunteer team.”